TTSH Prepares Special Reunion Meals for Their Patients, Some With Video Calls

Lest you’re not aware, hospitals now don’t allow visitors due to the Omicron wave, and this ban will only be lifted after 20 February.

Given that it’s the Chinese New Year period, it’d have dampened the moods of many patients and their loved ones.

While hospitals can make assessments on a case-by-case basis to allow in-person visits for exceptional cases, I’m pretty sure having a high-calorie and high-sugar reunion dinner isn’t allowed.

Not if  you’re from Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH), though.

However, there’s a twist.

TTSH Prepares Special Reunion Meals for Their Patients, Some With Video Calls

TTSH recently just shared an album of smiling patients, and it’s not difficult to see why.

The hospital understands the plight of spending CNY without their loved ones around, and so has prepared a “special Reunion meal” for them.

According to their post, it comprises “dumplings, fried rice, shrimps, and dessert with a festive twist to bring cheer and comfort to patients who are unable to be home during this time.”

Image: Facebook (Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH))
Image: Facebook (Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH))

Looks better than some reunion meal that some restaurants rushed out during reunion dinners, isn’t it?

Other than having meals that don’t look like hospital meals, it appears that the healthcare workers also helped in connecting them to their loved ones at home, like this patient who’s so happy to see his grandsons that he’s left his dessert untouched…

Image: Facebook (Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH))

…or this patient whose image is photobombed by a moving hand:

Image: Facebook (Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH))

Suffice to say, the patients look happy:

Image: Facebook (Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH))

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Not All Visits Are Banned

While casual visits for most patients are not allowed, hospitals do allow visitors for these patient groups on a case-by case basis, as assessed by the hospitals:

  • Patients who are in critical condition
  • Paediatric patients
  • Birthing/post-partum mothers
  • Patients requiring additional care support from caregivers. Examples of caregivers include those providing assistance to inpatients who have mental incapacities or family members who are undergoing caregiver training to better care for their loved ones after hospital discharge.

The above patient groups would be allowed only one pre-designated visitor, with one visit per day. Patients who are in critical condition may be allowed up to five pre-designated visitors, with a maximum of two visitors at the patient’s bedside at any one time.

All visitors approved to enter hospital wards must don face masks with good filtration capability at all times. These include surgical masks and reusable masks that are made of two layers of fabric. Visitors are reminded not to eat or drink in the hospital wards or use the patients’ toilets in the wards. They should also avoid sitting on patients’ beds.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH))