Website Might Just Save Sim Lim Square After Jover Chew’s Case

Before Jover Chew’s case, many of us have fond memories of Sim Lim Square: from the great food in the basement to the assembly of computers.

And one of the things we loved doing most was to collect as many flyers as possible as we went up and down the escalators a few times, then sat in one corner to compare prices.

With less flyers printed now and even less people in Sim Lim Square, and with the ease of online shopping, Sim Lim Square suddenly became a place associated with Jover Chew and nothing else.

But this website might just save it. isn’t an official website by the shopping mall, but an independent website catered to provide information about the shops and prices of the items sold there. The transparency of the prices, even with a “latest price updated on ” simply means that you won’t be Jover-Chew-ed, since these prices are provided by the shops themselves.

In other words, you can think of it as an online flyer that you can access at the comfort of your house.


It isn’t an online store, so you can just go to the shop indicated on the website to buy your product on the spot.

The website is fast and currently, the prices are pretty updated. If you’re in for a gadget spree (just like the good old days), this website could be your best friend.

A quick check shows that prices are relatively similar to other retailers, with just a slight difference. That means you would most likely not be seeing an iPhone 7 at $100 with a warranty of $1,500.

I don’t know about you, but now, I feel like going back to Sim Lim Square again.

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