Wedding Convoy With Supercars Woke Up Residents in Jurong on a Sunday Morning.

Sundays are for two things—waking up in the afternoon and doing nothing.

It is almost a sacred activity, especially for those who are slogging in the office during the weekends.

Imagine getting awoken by loud engines in the morning—luckily for me, my room isn’t facing any road.

But for a group of residents at Jurong East, they had a rude awakening (in the literal sense) yesterday.


What happened

According to Stomp, one of the residents at Block 247 Jurong East Street 24, Lindy had her beauty sleep disrupted in the morning at about 7:30 A.M.

She heard loud sounds of car engines revving—you know the “vroom vroom”sound—from her block’s carpark.


She told stomp that a lot of the residents were cursing at the loud sound engines.

She even recorded the whole incident, it is 8 minutes long btw.

Car convoy, including Ferraris, wakes up Jurong East residents…

This convoy literally woke up the neighbourhood.Read the full story here:

Posted by Stomp on Sunday, 22 October 2017

Looking at the clip, there was a convoy of cars at the carpark, and two of them looked like Ferraris—the yellow and white cars.


She believes the convoy was part of a wedding party.

It is a Chinese wedding tradition where the groom and his friends would head to the bride’s house to “pick her up” before the wedding.

Maybe the groom and the groomsmen were a tad bit excited.

The video also showed police officers in the vicinity and according to Stomp, the police officers received a call for assistance at about 7:39 A.M.


The drivers were told by the police offers to avoid revving their engines and to not block other drivers.

Netizens thought the woman was salty af

Looking at the comments and hearing Linda’s voice from the video, it seems like Linda is of an old age which explains why she needs her beauty sleep.


Some think she should just stay home.


Some tell the aunty to go exercise in the morning.


Some went over the line and talked about her funeral.


That was uncalled for, bro.


To be fair, I couldn’t even hear the revving sound from the video.

I can see why netizens are pissed over her rant as she was raining on their parade (in this case, wedding).

While she might seem like a sourpuss, but I can see why she is mad too.

Nobody wants to wake up early on a Sunday morning and who knows how long the raucous lasted for.

I guess we can’t say who is at fault.

But I am sure you would like to give your two cents.

Comment away!

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Featured image: Screengrab of Stomper’s video