WhatsApp Having a ‘Delete For Everyone’ Function; Unsend Msg Sent in the Last 5 min

WhatsApp is a Godsend. I mean, you can like text a bunch of your friends in one group, your officemates in another, and have another one for where your aunties and uncles forward all those videos that you’ll probably never open.

But what happens when you accidentally send a picture or video to the wrong chat group? Embarrassment level x1000, right?

No more. WhatsApp has heard your calls for help, and they’ve now designed a new feature for their app. You’ll want to stick around and read more about it.

Image: The Next Web

Hello, “Delete for Everyone”

Yes, the feature itself is called “Delete for Everyone”. If you’ve sent out an embarrassing picture by accident, you will now be able to un-send it.

Yep, you read that right. UN-SEND it.

There is, however, a time frame. You will need to delete your text/file within 5 minutes of sending it out. Also, only files which have not been opened by any recipient can be retracted.

It works on apparently almost any kind of message you send out – we’re talking GIFs, videos, images, texts, quoted messages and a reply to a status.

If it’s passed the 5 minute time slot, though, you’re pretty much left for dead.

Hmmm… Still better than nothing right? I’ll take my chances with it lah.

According to reports, WhatsApp is due to release the “Delete for Everyone” feature for both Android and iOS users worldwide very, very soon.

Finger’s crossed, and we’re waiting anxiously for that!

Image: India Today

But Why Not Available Yet?

Well, WhatsApps running its final tests on the feature. The server is up and running, and it has succeeded in recalling messages.

Although the server is in working condition, it doesn’t really mean that the function is enabled. It will certainly be enabled at a later time.

“Delete for Everyone” is not the feature’s first name; it used to go by the term “Recall”. It was seen back in April, when tests were being run to check the Beta version of WhatsApp.

Image: Innov8tiv

Other Updates Too

Looks like “Delete for Everyone” is not the only feature being added into WhatsApp. The app will also have another new function. Dubbed the “change number” feature, this will now allow WhatsApp users to recognize a contact number easily if they’ve got a new number texting them.

Expect to see an update on WhatsApp featuring both these aspects pretty soon, although there’s been no sealed release date from the company as yet.

On a personal note, I cannot wait for this feature. I mean, you know how many times you share a joke between friends and it ends up in your family chat group? And then so unnecessary but get fired for nothing.

All because of a silly mistake. With “Delete for Everyone”, you can kiss wrongly sent texts at 2am to your ex goodbye. So long as you delete it in 5 minutes loh.

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured Image: The Next Web