WhatsApp Now Allows You to Mute a Chat Forever So You Can Ghost People Easier

Let’s face it. Most of us here have a love/hate relationship when it comes to WhatsApp. It’s great when you’re in a group chat with people you love but when it comes to those group chats where you can’t leave, it’s a whole other story.

You know which kinds of group chats I’m talking about.

The family one where there are more than 20 people in it and there’s always that one auntie who can’t seem to stop forwarding fake news or good morning messages.

Or that one university group chat that was made during orientation where the more on people keep insisting on meeting up for dinner.

But now, you get to ghost annoying group chats or people.

Forever Muted

In the past, you could only choose three options when it comes to muting a chat.

Image: Quora | Google

If you’re like me, you’d always pick the “1 Year” option. But this also meant the following year, you’d have to mute the chat again. While it’s not that troublesome, most of us would have wished there was an option to forever mute a chat.

Lo and behold. WhatsApp has answered our collective prayer.

On 23 October, WhatsApp tweeted that they replaced the “1 Year” option with an “Always” option.

I’d like to think when WhatsApp made this announcement, majority of the people looked like this:

Gif: Tenor

Mixed Reactions from People

Of course, you can never please everyone when you make an announcement.

Some have also thought that the “1 year” option was enough for them.

Others have said that other rival messaging platform, Telegram, already had this option.

I for one am glad about this update because muting a chat for a year means I want to always have this chat on mute. Thanks again, WhatsApp.

More Updates Coming

It was reported last week that WhatsApp might finally let desktop users make phone calls from their desktop app.

Here’s how it might look like:

Image: WABetaInfo

From the image, a separate window will pop up, showing the controls to make a call from the desktop app.

Image: WABetaInfo

And during the call, the separate window will change to buttons with different functions as well.

While the release date for this feature is still unknown as the feature is still under development, it’s actually pretty exciting and convenient if you’re a frequent WhatsApp desktop user.