Woman Who Bullied Elderly in TPY Hawker Centre Reportedly from Education Sector. The Irony.

By now, you’ve either seen this video once or more than twice. If not, here it is again.

Since then, the hunt for the identities of the couple hasn’t proven to be effective, with online vigilantes failing to find them. But of course, our trusty SPF found them, and arrested them yesterday.

They’re investigated for causing public nuisance, and if charged, they might be fined up to $1,000.

Just in case you haven’t been following the news, here’s something shocking: the guy is 46 years old and the lady is 39 years old. In other words, it’s an uncle shoving an uncle. #ironyone

And then just recently, Wanbao published another article that showed #ironytwo: the lady is allegedly from the private education sector.

Well, not saying that she’s a teacher or that she’s in a role that impart values *coughs* to others, but it’s just such an irony, isn’t it?

Here’s one more interesting piece of information dug from Wanbao: they’re supposedly husband and wife. All along, I’ve thought that the guy was trying to woo the lady, which is why he acted so “sakti”.

Guess I’m wrong.

Anyways, it’ll just be a matter of time before their identities are revealed. At least we know there’s going to be some closure.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Thelocalsociety)

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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