Woman’s Eyebrows Scarred After Eyebrow Tattooing Session From Carousell

It used to be ‘Don’t trust everyone you see on the streets’.

Now, it’s ‘Don’t trust everything you see on the net’.

Had Stomper Valerie followed that motto, she probably wouldn’t have ended up like this.

Image: Stomp

What happened?

Valerie had stumbled upon a beautician’s works on Carousell and was impressed by her portfolio.

Additionally, the beautician claimed to be very experienced and had ‘certification’ from a Bangkok beauty academy.

This led Valerie to book an eyebrow embroidery session, on August 7.

At the beautician’s home-situated salon, everything looked like it was going fine. The beautician had traced out the design of the eyebrows, and Valerie was satisfied.

Image: Stomp

Everything after that went downhill in the worst way you can imagine. It’s practically every girl’s nightmare.

After the procedure was finished, Valerie noticed that her eyebrows were severely unbalanced – one was way longer than the other. Because she was tired and her skin still felt ‘raw’ from the treatment, she chose not to pursue the matter and returned home.

Once she reached, she noticed how bad her eyebrows looked and texted the beautician, relaying her distress. The beautician promised to fix it the next day.

She realised there was something not quite right about her eye brows

Valerie then realised that the beige dye that had been applied over her eyebrow, had stretched too far towards the centre of her forehead.

According to the beautician, it would take 1-2 days to peel off, but it took an entire week. When it did peel off, what happened was that the skin around her eyebrows was extremely red, and there was partial scarring.

Desperate, she consulted other beauty technicians, who recommended that she use makeup remover to take off the dye before it sets in.

However, three weeks have passed and her redness and scarring have not yet faded.

Valerie, by this point upset and distressed, contacted the beautician and wanted her $150 back.

The latter denied the request and asked her to come back so that it could be “fixed”. Well who in their right mind would come back to you after what you did, woman? Not everyone’s like Princess Peach, alright?

Valerie said it herself, “Why would I go back to her to disfigure my face again?”

She then posted her harrowing experience on Facebook, and the beautician did a 180 degree U-turn, offering to pay back $100.

Why not the full refund? Because Valerie apparently looks pretty in her photos. To which Valerie said that she had used a lot of concealers and even had to redraw her brows.

Below are the beautician’s Facebook and Carousell details. Due to obvious reasons, Stomp has concealed certain aspects.

Image: Stomp
Image: Stomp
Image: Stomp


Well, that must suck. Imagine forking out 150 bucks for an ‘enhancing’ appointment, only to get ‘downgraded’ instead. We don’t yet know whether the effects will be permanent, but for Valerie’s sake, I’m going to say that it probably wouldn’t be.

I might be the kind of guy that goes all out, but I can’t in this case.

The beautician actually wanted to fix it, which isn’t something everyone would do when they get blamed. Well, it’s just too bad that nobody would let her fix it when she did such a bad job in the first place.

Like seriously, drawing one eyebrow longer than the other and calling it done? Even my 5-year-old nephew can do better than that!

A lesson you can take away from this incident? Don’t trust everything you see online, including ‘portfolios’. Make sure to do double takes if it seems ‘suspicious’.

Better safe than sorry, right?

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Feature Image: stomp.straitstimes.com

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com