Everything About the Worldwide Potato Shortage in the World & Whether S’pore Fast-Food Chain is Affected

Imagine stopping by your beloved fast-food chains and realising that your fries on the side aren’t available anymore.

That might be your reality soon especially since the world is currently facing a potato shortage due to the pandemic, labour shortage, lower crop yield, and bad weather.

But no worries, it’s definitely not as dire as the potato famine in the 1800s. Some adjustments had to be made by our favourite fast-food chains though.

Look Out KFC Fans

For starters, the KFC outlets in Singapore right now have currently resorted to replacing the usual fries with potato waffles or waffle hash instead.

In response to a Facebook inquiry made by one KFC customer, the management replied that they were unable to serve up their usual fries on the side with meals “due to a global supply disruption”.

However, crowd favourites such as the Cheese Fries are still available for order but only as an ala carté item – you won’t be able to trade up for them as side dishes in your KFC meals for now.

The marketing manager at KFC Singapore, Diana Hoo, also added that KFC fries were available in limited supply due to “pandemic-related disruptions” that had a multi-faceted impact on the chain’s potato supply.

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No Further Comment From McDonald’s and Burger King

When asked if the same issue was going to arise in their outlets, Burger King marketing director, Irene Tay, said there were no plans to stop serving fries but she could not guarantee that the chain’s fries supply would not be impacted by the global supply crunch. But personally, I go for their onion rings, so I wouldn’t be too worried about that.

There’s no word from McDonald’s however on whether their share of potatoes will be hit too like the rest. For now, there are no notices put in their stores to warn customers of the lack of fries with our usual meals.

In summary: if you like to eat at KFC, just remember fries (that includes our staple Cheese Fries) are only available as ala carté dishes, Burger King is still doing A-OKAY for now, and McDonald’s still seems to be doing okay.

But when in doubt, just wake up and go early to enjoy the iconic and irreplaceable McDonald’s breakfast hashbrowns – who knows if they’ll be the ones to disappear (temporarily) next?

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