Wuhan Couple Who Lied to MOH Would be Barred from S’pore After They Completed Their Sentence

Hu and Shi’s Guide To Singapore:

  • Get infected with COVID-19
  • Lie to the authorities for two years
  • Get really familiar with their prisons
  • Never be able to step into Singapore again

The Wuhan couple who lied to the Ministry of Health (MOH) will be deported and barred from re-entering Singapore after they finish serving their jail sentence.

Jail Time for Couple Who Lied To Contact Tracers

Chinese national Hu Jun arrived in Singapore from Wuhan in January 2020 to spend the Lunar New Year with his family. His wife Shi Sha was already in Singapore on a long-term visit pass, to accompany her daughter studying at a Singapore international school.

Hu tested positive for COVID-19 nine days after arriving. When questioned by contact tracers, he failed to mention the full list of locations he had visited.

Shi fed more false information to the contact tracers while her husband was recovering in the hospital.

They were found guilty of their charges last October but decided to appeal their case. After nearly two years, the couple gave up and discontinued their appeals on 11 January 2022.

Hu will begin his five-month jail term on 17 January, and Shi will begin her six-month term on 17 May.

ICA Update: Will Be Deported and Barred From Re-entering Singapore

An update from the Immigrations and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) said Hu and Shi will be sent back to China after their imprisonment. They will also not be allowed to step foot into Singapore in the future.

When they were found guilty, the couples’ immigration passes were cancelled. They are currently holding special passes to support their court processes.

ICA emphasized that they take foreigners who commit offences under the Infectious Diseases Act extremely severely.

That is especially so during the pandemic, where the flouting of precautionary measures may heighten the virus’ transmission rate. This couple is an example of how ICA will not hesitate to take critical action against foreigners.

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For Hu and Shi, being stuck here for two years fighting their case might be enough of Singapore for them.

But to all other foreigners reading this: be warned! I don’t think anyone’s purpose for visiting Singapore is to get acquainted with our prisons and then get kicked out of the country.

Just follow the law, drink some bubble tea, and you’ll have a fantastic time in our little garden city, OK?

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Featured Image: YouTube (CNA)