This Year, Jay Chou’s Concert Has No Problem, Unlike Previous Concerts

If you’re a fan of Mandopop king Jay Chou, you probably would know how hard it is to get a ticket to his concerts.

Fans are willing to cough up to thousands to watch the musical genius perform live.


Being a human being means that we want to secure our rights. After spending so much money on a ticket, I better get what I deserve…

So if you weren’t in the know, fans were upset over the last 2 concerts put up by the world star in our sunny island.

There were complains about the speakers, which made the concert quite unbearable especially for those in the cheaper seats, according to Straits Times.

There was a petition for a refund after the 2016 show.

This year, the Invincible Jay Chou Concert Tour 2018 made a stop at our little red dot on Saturday (6 Jan).

Personally, I’ve seen the concert being advertised since a few months back, and even took part in giveaways for the concert tickets.

But obviously, I didn’t win lah.

Anyways, concertgoers were having mixed feelings for fear of the same things happening again.

According to a correspondent from Straits Times, there were no complains found online (surprisingly).

The 2.5hr gig was well worth every penny and fans were in for a surprise when Chou’s mentees from Sing!China –Olinda Cho and Joanna Dong– appeared and sang Rhythm of the Rain together with him.

Some sharp-eyed fans may have also spotted Chou’s wife, model-actress Hannah Quinlivan at the concert venue.

The proud wife uploaded a picture on her Instagram to cheer her husband on.

Go hubby ! #singapore #theinvincible2 #認真的人最有魅力

A post shared by Jen Wu (@hannah_quinlivan) on


Since you’re here, why not watch a video about a guy who lodged a Police report here in Singapore because he was friendzoned? Seriously. Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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