Youth Spend Time Productively by Setting Fire on Cardboard in HDB Void Deck & Posting in IG Story


I don’t think I’m that old but I can never understand young people of today.

I mean, showing off your butt on a road?

Image: Facebook (STOMP)

Or doing push-ups?

Image: Facebook Video Screengrab (Shin Min News Daily)

Us old people have a nice phrase for this: Highway to Hell.

But they enjoy doing it.

Not just that.

They enjoy doing dangerous stunts like these and uploading it on social media.

Of course, it’s not just dangerous stunts, they’re also pretty good at being a nuisance and destroying public property.

Like smoking on buses.

And generally being a nuisance.

Image: STOMP / imranahmedsg /

And now, yet another youth has joined the infamous rank on the internet, this time risking not just their own lives, but everyone around him, too.

Youth Filmed Setting Fire to Cardboard At HDB Void Deck

The latest burn casualty to the youths of today is a piece of cardboard.

On 27 Dec, STOMP ran a report on a youth who was filmed setting fire to a piece of cardboard with the caption: Is there a point to this?

He was seen setting fire to the poor innocent cardboard and using an aerosol spray to intensify the flames.


The STOMPer who chanced upon the Instagram Stories said they were probably bored and looking for stuff to entertain themselves with.


Netizens’ Reactions

Now, let’s look at the gold mine that is the netizens’ corner.

Well, you get the gist of the general sentiments.

Image: STOMP Singapore
Image: STOMP Facebook Page

It’s all along the lines of stupid or worse.


But there’s one who decided to find out exactly why they’re behaving this way.

Image: STOMP Facebook Page

For those interested, you can check out the link mentioned here.

A Scientific Explanation?

Basically, it explains why teenagers are prone to doing stupid stuff. And the reason’s due to the fact that their brain has not matured completely.

At the age of 15, their brains is in the last phase of development. The only part left to be developed is the rational part of their brains, which handles planning, inhibitions, reasoning and problem solving.

Which is why they tend to be more emotional and are more interested in getting approval from their friends than anything else.

Hence the butt smacking, lip smashing bicycle throwing heavy-duty action you see happening around Singapore.


This Isn’t The First Time Youths Set Fire To An Object

Previously, a bunch of youths were seen setting fire to an NTUC trolley on a series of Instagram Stories, according to this STOMP article.

Sniper-eyed STOMP reader Judy complied the videos which you can view here:

In what appears to be a birthday gathering chock-full with cigarettes, beers, smokey-BBQ goodness and informative “ur bday got firework” caption, a youth is seen leaning nonchalantly on the NTUC trolley while its lock melts onto the floor.

Because why not? +5 points to street cred.


Clearly irked by their actions, Judy lamented that “these young punks burnt a trolley and claimed that it is their “fireworks” and “were proud to even post this on social media.”

Can we name the new generation the KSEFNTD Generation?

Kee-Siao-Eat-Full-Nothing-To-Do Generation.