All the real-life spooky encounters in a park near NUS that’ll make you have nightmares tonight


Last Updated on 2016-10-21 , 6:00 am

If there’s one park that you should really avoid going at night, it’s definitely Kent Ridge Park. Located in an ulu location, you’ll need to drive a steep, bendy road before you can reach it. The journey there would require you to pass by the infamous 99 Turns roads on South Buona Vista Road, and the windy road used to be a popular spot for illegal racing.

Rumours have it that in the past, many racers lost their lives on that road. Comprising a total of 13 sharp bends at a slope, it’s no wonder why the road caused so many casualties.

But it’s not the spooky history of the road that makes it eerie: it’s the park itself. It was then one of the last and fiercest battlefields during World War 2, and was the spot whereby the Malay Regiment fought against the Japanese Imperial Army for forty-eight hours, from 13 February 1942 to 14 February 1942.

Spooky encounters in this park at night are therefore common, and whether it’s self-fulfilling prophecies or real, it sure is one of the best places to be scared, rather than watching a crappy movie like Sadako Vs Kayako. Here’re the encounters that have been documented online—and just a disclaimer, this might not be for the faint-hearted!

Sounds of soldiers shouting instructions from afar
One of the scariest occurrences, people have allegedly heard faraway shouts, presumably instructions from the Malay Regiment soldiers. It’s scary because you’ve got no idea where they are—and if they’re from near your car, I guess it’s really GG for you.

Kent Ridge Flag Pole possessed student
The flag pole and parade square in Kent Ridge Park could well be one of the most haunted spots in Singapore. Anyone who has been in the army would know that the parade square is a “sacred” area—you’re not supposed to walk on it, and should only run or march on it. According to someone from G.H.O.S.T Club SG, he knew of someone who was once possessed there. Spooky.

Sighting of a pontianak near the river
Many people have mentioned that near the river, there would sometimes be a pontianak carrying a baby. She would be strolling along the river and would ignore all visitors. Despite this being unrelated to the park’s history, this was apparently one of the most common sightings.

Unexplained sounds from the flag pole and parade square
The most famous, and most common spooky experience, is unusual sounds coming from the parade square. This could be sounds of marching soldiers, loud clicking sounds and singing. Some people even speculated that the clicking sounds were Morse codes used by the deceased soldiers.

Despite its status as a haunted park, this place also serves as a commemoration for the bravery of the Malay Regiment soldiers. Located near the further end of the park is Reflections at Bukit Chandu, a building that is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily (except Monday) that showcases the courage and sacrifice of the Malay Regiment soldiers.

This article was first published on

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