Soon, You Might Not Need to Use Your Data to Watch Facebook Videos


Yes, you read that title right. Facebook wants to help you save your data, and is going to roll out a new feature that will allow you to watch videos on your FB page without eating chunks of your data plan.

(In other words, they want you to use Facebook more lah, coz everyone loves using an app that doesn’t drink data like a thirsty hippo)

Here’s what you simply must know.

About Instant Videos

At the moment, Facebook is testing this feature. If it works, Instant Videos will download FB videos onto your phone when you’ve got Wi-Fi access, so that when you want to watch them while you’re out of range, you can watch for free!

Such a genius idea leh.

You see, Facebook actually determines what you would see in your newsfeed with an algorithm – so before you even go to the app, Facebook would have decided whether a Goody Feed article appears or not.

That being said, when you’re on Wi-fi, it can “pre-decide” the videos that will appear in your newsfeed even if you log in, say, one hour later.

But how do you differentiate the videos that have already been downloaded via Instant Videos versus those that need your data to watch?

Image: Daily Mail

Keep a lookout for the lightning bolt icons that appear right on top of the pre-loaded video on your app.

Instant Videos isn’t entirely a new idea, either. Earlier, there was Instant Articles. This older feature make Facebook (like Goody Feed’s articles: hello!) pre-load articles, remove everything except the contents and make it appear on your newsfeed – so it will load 10 times faster when you click on the article.

Right now, Facebook has confirmed that they’re testing Instant Videos with a couple of Android users. Facebook’s primary reason for this feature is to stop data costs from being a barrier to their customers who want to watch videos on Facebook’s platform (i.e. one more reason to show more videos in your newsfeed).

Instant Articles used to set its gears on the speed and compatibility of reading news on FB, but for Instant Videos, the focus is on reducing cost and upgrading accessibility to Facebook users. If it pans out, Facebook would’ve definitely made a game-changer in the digital world.

I mean, come on lah, we all know how much we have to fork out for our phone bills every month right? So sad to see the money go away. It’s time we get a fighting chance, and thank heaven’s Facebook is on our side.

The other downside other countries face (and thankfully we don’t!) is pretty bad Internet coverage.


I do wonder if the feature will be made available to iPhone users as well, or is it strictly for Android users at its upcoming launch?


There are, indeed, more kids in the world who are budget-conscious, and prefer an Android any day than to fork out money for an Apple gizmo.

There’s really only one way to find out – keep yourself posted on the news, and who knows, you won’t need to finish up your data in 2 weeks anymore!

And you can like finally binge-watch SGAG’s hilarious videos in the train!

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This article was first published on

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Featured Image: Daily Mail