Woman Blocked Taxi & Then (Disgustingly) Passively Aggressively Online Shame Taxi Driver


It’s in the Singaporean blood: We all like to complain.

Weather too cold? We complain.

Bus too slow? We complain.

Image: Memegenerator.net

But do you know what’s the worst kind of complaint?

When it’s made by those that have no right to.

We’ve got one example to talk about today, a very disturbing one.

What happened

Here’s the context: A cabby found out that a female driver had parked her car such that it’s blocking his car.


She wanted to park her car for “two minutes” and pop out to buy something.

This happened at a petrol station and the video was taken by the female driver in topic.

Watch the video first (turn on sound for best viewing experience):

red devil

Aiyaaaaaaaa, Red Devil driver so fierce siol, why scold a meimei so vulgar words ah!?

Posted by SG Kay Poh on Friday, 26 January 2018

Did you hear that?

Oh boy, forget about all the vulgarities or who was in the wrong (no, don’t really do that)!

I’m so disturbed, I can probably write article after article about her ‘accent’.

That’s one of my biggest pet peeve – trying to put on an accent to make yourself sound more ‘high-class’.


By the way, can someone tell me what accent was that?


Anyways, back to the topic.

Clearly the woman was at fault.

Who let her drive on the road in the first place? She has absolutely no sense of urgency and is totally incapable of realising her mistake, evidently.


And she even had the guts to video down the whole incident and put it up online?

It’s like digging your own grave.

Image: Giphy

What netizens say

Of course, how can we not look at the netizens’ reactions?

It’s the best part of any ‘ugly Singaporeans’ news, to be honest.

Here, take a look:

A well-mannered complaint. Hard to see nowadays.

Image: SG Kay Poh Facebook Page

Mr/Ms/Mdm Logical. Well said.

Image: SG Kay Poh Facebook Page

And we have those that kena-ed worse.

Image: SG Kay Poh Facebook Page

Simply put la.

Image: SG Kay Poh Facebook Page

Anybody and everybody indeed.

Image: SG Kay Poh Facebook Page

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about a guy who lodged a Police report here in Singapore because he was friendzoned? Seriously. Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!


This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured image: Facebook (SG Kay Poh)