Yesterday’s Rain Caused Fallen Trees & a Blackout in Yishun. Here’s What You Should Know

2018 has been very exciting for Singapore, weather-wise.

We welcomed 2018 with flash floods and a mild cold spell where temperatures plunged below 23 degrees (this is as rare as me staying sober on a weekend).

Just when we thought the erratic weather has come to an end, mother nature decided to strike again yesterday.

In the evening, there was a deluge of rain in certain parts of Singapore, but Yishun bore the brunt of it.

Piggybacking on Yishun’s yesteryear misfortunes, Mother Nature decided to turn the town upside down—just like the parallel universe in Stranger Things minus the Demogorgons.


Here’s what went down last evening in Yisun.

Trees were uprooted

A tree near Yishun Secondary School fell on a railing but thankfully no one was in the vicinity.

Fallen tree near Yishun Secondary

VIDEO: Residents crowd around the remnants of a tree that was uprooted and fell on a railing near Yishun Secondary during heavy rain on Tuesday.(📹: Fann Sim)

Posted by Channel NewsAsia on Tuesday, 30 January 2018

The pasar malam in Chong Pang had a rude awakening too.

A large tree branch collapsed on one of the tents, damaging the metal parts.

Image: CNA / Fann Sim

One of the stall owners, Mr Ker told Channel NewsAsia: “My workers were so scared they ran into the HDB blocks to hide. The pasar malam management said they’d come and replace the tent but I’m not sure when.”

He also mentioned that the wind blew away the boards which displayed CNY decos.

Mother Nature huffed and puffed

The wind was so strong that a household items store, R & S Budget House closed its shop.

The wind caused the store’s retractable awning to give way and display racks to topple over.

Image: Hazlina Abdul Halim

Shop owner Mrs Teo told CAN that the damages and repairs could set the shop back by $4000 to $6000 and the shop will be closed till tomorrow.

Lights out

Diners at a coffee shop in Chong Pang were shook, to say the least, as the storm caused a blackout.

Kennady, a Yishun resident, told CNA that there were no warnings that it would rain and the people in the coffee shop couldn’t sit in the coffee shop because the rain was “spraying”.


Let’s just hope there isn’t a sequel to this hot mess.

Stay safe cause you never know when a branch decides to fall on you.

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about a guy who lodged a Police report here in Singapore because he was friendzoned? Seriously. Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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Featured image: CNA / Fann Sim