Passenger Beat Up Uber Driver ‘Coz of Language Barrier. WTH Indeed.

The world is a pretty messed up place and the topic at hand will prove my point.

What will you do if your Uber driver does not understand you?

Personally, I have experienced it, and I would just give them a 2-star rating and bitch about it to my friend like a normal person.

But unfortunately, this guy decided to take things further.

What happened

On 26 June 2017, at about 4 A.M., Uber driver Hairilah picked up 32-year-old Guo who is a Chinese national in Geylang.

Hairilah was not too sure of the destination and Guo had trouble communicating with him.


That’s when all hell broke loose.

After driving around, Hairilah decided to end the trip and stopped his car at a bus stop along Aljunied Road.

The situation got worse when Hairilah asked Guo to pay for the ride which was $12.50.

Guo, then, kicked the left front door which caused $240 in damage and hit Hairilah in the head four times and broke his specs.


Hairilah did not retaliate; he sustained a bruise over his left eye and abrasions on his left forearm, which he got them treated at Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

Back to the present day

On 29 Jan, Guo was sentenced to four weeks in prison after pleading guilty to assaulting Hairilah,

The court granted his request to serve his sentence after the start of CNY, with a bail offer of $5,000.

He is lucky since he could have been jailed up to 2 years and fined up to 5,000 for his acts.


Is there a profound learning moment here?

Not really.

I mean, like I said, if you’re not happy with your ride, just express it in the rating system like a normal human being.

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about a guy who lodged a Police report here in Singapore because he was friendzoned? Seriously. Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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Featured image: Worawee Meepian /