2 Men Charged With Stabbing Another Man with a Harpoon; 1 Had Committed a Crime in the Morning, Too

Two men aged 22 and 28 stabbed a man through the back with a 20cm harpoon at Ming Arcade on 4 June.

Here’s what happened.

Stabbed Man at 4:30am

The police were alerted to a case of stabbing at Ming Arcade at about 4:30am on 4 June.

When officers arrived at the crime scene at 21 Cuscaden Road, the 23-year-old victim was found bleeding profusely with the 20cm harpoon stuck in his back. He was conscious when taken to the hospital, and is in stable condition.

BTW, a harpoon is a barbed, spear-like instrument that is typically used to hunt sea creatures like whales.

S. Mageshwaran, 28, and Sheran Raj Balasubramaniam, 22, fled the scene but were identified through CCTV footage during investigations.

One Man Also Involved in Another Crime That Morning

One of the men was also involved in a separate crime that morning at about 8.45am, where the police were alerted to a man holding a parang at Labrador Park.

The man, who was unnamed in reports, was with an accomplice and fled before police arrived. The accomplice, 19-year-old Miranda Daniel Benjamin Catapia, was also arrested after being identified through CCTV footage.

That man sure had a busy day of crime before getting caught.

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Arrested Seven Other Men for Involvement in Assault

Later on, the police arrested another seven men for suspected involvement in the Ming Arcade stabbing. The men, aged 15 to 30, are suspected of being part of unlawful societies.

Mageshwaran and Balasubramaniam were each charged with voluntarily causing hurt with a common intention on 6 June.

Mageshwaran is also under other charges, including spitting on a police officer in April, assaulting a woman multiple times in 2021, as well as multiple driving offences.

For voluntarily causing hurt with a dangerous weapon, offenders can be jailed for up to seven years, fined and caned.

Those found in possession of an offensive weapon can be jailed for up to three years and receive six strokes of the cane.

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Featured Image: spaxiax / Shutterstock.com