26YO With Local Degree Who Earns $4K a Month Claims People With ‘Kaplan’ Degrees Are Earning More


Comparison is the thief of joy. 

Said by Theodore Roosevelt during his US presidential reign, it is true as it is wise. 

Many times, we can’t help but peer over into others’ business and wonder if we’re doing good enough. 

Unfortunately, disappointment always follows. 

Such was the case of a 26-year-old Singaporean lady. 

What’s the Average Salary?

A middle-aged woman took to the internet to voice her queries.
In an anonymous tip to SGWhispers, she explained how she was earning less than her friends and asked what the average salary for her age was. 

The post began: “What is an average salary for 26-year-olds?”

Moving on, she listed the various salaries of her and her friends, highlighting that their job scopes were similar. 

“Friends my age are earning 5k+,” she wrote. “One of them (even) earn(s) $8k a month.

“I’m still earning $4k.”

Their jobs were all “similar desk jobs in operations or tech, no sales.” Furthermore, gender wasn’t a problem because they were all girls and didn’t face the 2-year barrier of enlistment. 

Clearly, she wasn’t pleased about the drastic pay gap.

I wouldn’t be too. 

As if the numbers weren’t enough, she contrasted their educational backgrounds, saying she “has a local uni degree while they have degrees from places like SIT and Kaplan.” 


It Doesn’t Matter.

Netizens on Facebook were quick to respond, consoling her that pay shouldn’t take priority over her emotional well-being. 


Users also commented how her qualifications didn’t matter as much as her intrinsic ability in the corporate world. 


Some even chided her for sitting on her high horse and having a superiority complex. 

Lastly, there were those who jokingly told her to join her friends’ companies. 

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The grass is always greener on the other side. 


If you hope that’s what people say about you, here’s what you should study to get your edge.

Among the highest paying jobs as a fresh grad, Business Administration pays relatively well, with reports saying that one could be paid around $6k per month. 

In the finance field as well, Accountancy pays around $5.5k for fresh grads. 

Obviously, how could we forget the computer scientists. If you study tech or computing, you can earn around $5.5 to $6k as well as a fresh grad. 

At the end of the day, you’re not defined by that sheet of paper you get at the graduation ceremony. What matters is your actual capabilities in work.


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Featured Image: SGWhispers + SGWhispers / Facebook