RSAF Lieutenant-Colonel Allegedly Trespassed into NTU Dorm & Molested a Woman

In Singapore universities, there used to be rampant cases of outrage of modesty. Remember, a few years ago? Then they stepped up surveillance and the numbers died down.

Well, the deed has finally resurfaced.

RSAF lieutenant-colonel charged with trespassing into NTU dormitory

A Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) lieutenant-colonel has allegedly trespassed into a dormitory at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and molested a woman. 

With itchy hands, this high-flyer, instead of going to fly kite, went to touch people. 


45-year-old Neo Aik Chiao now faces three charges: two of criminal trespass and one of molestation. He has also been suspended from his military duties. 

On 13 November at around 2am, the helicopter pilot snuck into 2 dorms: one of an 18-year-old and another of a 21-year-old. 

He touched the left thigh of the 21-year-old, waking her up.

Details about the women and the dormitory cannot be disclosed because of a gag order.  

According to a spokesperson from NTU, “The police were immediately called to the scene, and the university provided support to the affected students when the incident happened. Security patrols have been stepped up.”

No fly zone. 

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The Response

NTU has announced that the school’s top priority is keeping its students safe, and that it takes trespassing “very seriously”. 

On the Ministry of Defence’s (Mindef) part, a spokesperson said: “As court proceedings are ongoing, Mindef/SAF is unable to comment further on the case at this juncture. We will carefully assess the eventual findings before deciding on further appropriate actions.

“The SAF holds its service personnel to high standards of discipline and integrity.

“Service personnel who commit offences will be dealt with in accordance with the law. Those convicted of serious offences may be discharged from regular service.”

On the internet, netizens are outraged at his outrage of modesty.  

Many have criticised him for being a disappointment and an embarrassment to the nation. Some have called him a waste of taxpayer’s dollars for his high salary. On the extreme end of the spectrum, people have called for him to be caned.

What Now?

Neo’s case has been adjourned to 29 November 2022.

For molestation, an offender can be jailed for up to two years, fined, caned or receive any combination of such punishments.

For each count of criminal trespass, an offender can be jailed for up to three months and fined up to $1,500. 

Guys, if you have nothing to do, remember, the sky’s the limit, not the thighs. 

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Featured Image: NTU / Shutterstock