5 Reasons Why We Can’t Wait for Llaollao to Go

Last Updated on 2017-12-08 , 3:02 pm

My editor threw this question to the editorial team: “Who hates Llaollao?”

Without any hesitation, I raised my hand.

Don’t get me wrong, I am a huge fan of froyo, ever since I laid my eyes on this iconic scene from Gossip Girl.

I mean who can forget when Blair asked Serena, “Well we should get going then. Unless you want us to wait for you. Looks like you’ve got a lot of yogurt left.”

Froyo was the “it” food from 2009-2012.

I remember seeing a slew of froyo stores opening up at every corner of the street such as the now-defunct Frolick, Yoguru and Yami Yogurt.

Then it died down and it got a renaissance of sorts in 2015 when Llaollao opened.


1) Llaollao is overhyped

Image: llaollao Singapore Facebook Page

What will force someone to queue for more than 30 minutes to get a cup of yoghurt?

  • Is it that good?
  • Is it going to improve my guts?
  • Is it going to get over 100 likes on Instagram?

I am just trying to figure out the thought process of those who willingly decided to queue.

2) It isn’t that great

I was in Wisma Atria when I had my first cup of Llaollao and no, I did not queue at all as it was about 11:00 a.m.

I even added the chocolate sauce coz’ you can’t go wrong with chocolate.

Oh boy, how was I wrong.

There are two things that chocolate shouldn’t be mixed with—raisins and Llaollao.

After five or six spoons, I dumped it in the trash.

Image: basketballwivesla.vh1.com/

I like my froyo to be tart and I thought the chocolate sauce would help cut the acidity but nope.

It wasn’t even tart, to begin with…or I should say that the tartness wasn’t enough for me.

3) The sauces

So I thought chocolate was bad, but can you imagine drizzling white chocolate (Raffallao sauce) on it?

No, I did not try it and I would like to keep it that way.

4) No gummy bears

There are no gummy bear toppings but they have Oreos, sunflower seeds (yucks) and biscuits.

What even….

How can one not have gummy bears in their froyo store?

Image: reddit.com

5) Llaollao has a major identity issue

Are they a dessert store or a health food store?

They have fruits like blueberries and watermelon, alongside vats of sinful sauces like white chocolate and cookie.

I mean, if you’re going to offer us with all these decadent toppings that will eventually go to our thighs, the least you can do is to not pretend that it is healthy by providing details like this:

Image: llaollaoweb.com

You can’t play good cop and bad cop. That’s not how it works.

I rest my case. Goodbye.

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured image: Llaollao