5 People Followed the Rules for CNY Visits But In the End, 14 People Were Infected With COVID-19

You may have taken all precautions and followed all the rules, but COVID-19 can still slip through the cracks and get to you.

Case in point: five people following all the rules for Chinese New Year (CNY) visits, only to have a total of 14 people getting infected.

Followed All Visiting Rules, Ended Up Bring COVID-19 Back Home To Family

During the CNY period, a group of five friends visited another friend’s house for about six hours. This was in compliance with COVID-19 restrictions, where households are only allowed to host one group of five.

Ms Lin told Shin Min Daily News that her group of friends thought that if they followed all restrictions, they would be safe. All of them have taken an Antigen Rapid Test (ART) recently before they went visiting and were negative, so they did not think it was necessary to wear their masks for the entire visit.

Unfortunately, one of the five tested positive during their ART two days later. The person informed the entire group, and everyone took an ART after hearing the news.

They ended up testing positive and had spread it to their family members as well. In the end, a five-person gathering turned into 14 infections.

The youngest person to get infected is 14 years old, while the oldest is more than 60 years old. Thankfully, most of them do not need to be hospitalised and are currently recuperating at home.

From this experience, Ms Lin would like to remind everyone to wear their masks even during visiting, especially if there are elderly living in that household.

Difficulties in Home Recovery

Ms Lin also shared that for one family, everyone except a child got infected with COVID-19. How should the family take care of each other, while still isolating themselves so that the child doesn’t get infected too?

She found this to be a true struggle, and it made her realise that one should not take COVID-19 lightly and treat it as a mere cold. Once one person got infected, it could affect more people than we realise.

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COVID-19 Infections Expected To Fall With End of CNY Period

The Chinese New Year season is ending soon, which means fewer visits and fewer chances to unknowingly spread COVID-19 around.

NUS Associate Professor Alex Cook told Shin Min Daily News that it is difficult to estimate when the peak of infections would arrive, as there were many factors in play.

For instance, fewer people go to the doctor on weekends and choose to go on Mondays instead, so the infection numbers tend to be higher on Tuesdays when the test results come out.

Yes, even the way we keng MC has an effect on COVID-19 infection data.

Additionally, as Singapore’s restrictions are pretty strict, it may delay the peak of the epidemic for us compared to other countries.

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Featured Image: Michele Ursi / Shutterstock.com