Aiken Chia Starts His Own YT Channel & Has Incorporated His Own Company After Leaving NOC

If you’re familiar with YouTubers and influencers in Singapore, you probably know Night Owl Cinematics (NOC).

And if you know NOC, you probably know Aiken Chia, who joined NOC in 2017 as a host of Food King along with Dee Kosh and Ryan Tan.

You might also remember him as 987FM’s TV Star competition back in 2013, or the first runner-up of The 5 Search, a reality television hosting competition.

What you might not know if you haven’t been following him recently, however, is that he has left NOC as of 2021.

After the most infamous NOC saga broke out, Chia, 33, resigned from the company.

But it seems like his work in the realm of YouTube isn’t done yet, as he recently started his own YouTube channel titled AIKEN CHIA.

He kickstarted his personal YouTube channel just a week ago by uploading a music video titled “How Are You Welcome to Aiken!”.

And if you find the title familiar, yes, the song’s a spinoff from “How Are You” by Pamela Bowden.

In the description of the video, he thanked those who helped him out with the production of the music video, including musician Benjamin Kheng.

He also said that this marked a “new start” for him and his team.

“The TRUTH About Starting Over”

And just yesterday (27 May), Aiken uploaded another video titled “The TRUTH About Starting Over”.

In the video, he expressed his excitement at returning to YouTube and also shared a vlog segment where he and his friends visit a Thai restaurant to review its food before hitting the gym together.

“I really really miss connecting with all of you, and I really feel that we connect as friends,” he added, addressing his fans.

In his video description, he also wrote, “Ya la, I cried. I got emotional about moving on from last year and setting up my own YouTube channel thing for real.”

He then ended off his video with a more emotional segment as he shared about his own reflections over the past few months and thanked his fans for still continuing to support him.

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Since uploading his first video last week, Chia’s YouTube channel has attracted over 10,200 subscribers.

On both videos, netizens and fellow YouTubers such as Wah!Banana (and, uh, Dee Kosh) left many comments of encouragement.

Others also expressed delight at the fact that he is returning to YouTube, and all these reactions are definitely signs that the hype and love for him is still there even after his departure from NOC.

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Featured Image: YouTube (AIKEN CHIA)