Another Robbery, This Time in Bukit Batok with a 25-cm Knife

A 36-year old man was arrested after he was reported to have robbed a mobile phone shop with a 25-cm long knife hidden in his bag.

Not sure how long that is? Here, take a look.


Are you done with your screaming? Okay, let’s continue.

This happened on Tuesday, 15 August 2017 along Bukit Batok Street 31.

Apparently, he did all these for just one mobile phone. At least that was what he managed to get.

Yes, and because of this act of sheer folly,  he could be facing between 3 to 14 years of jail sentence and no less than 12 strokes of the cane.


Is this all worth it for just one mobile phone?

Looking back, this is not the first robbery that has happened in Singapore this year. Earlier this month on 1 August 2017, an armed robbery took place at Ubi Ave 1 and the male suspect was also armed with a knife.


His target: S$4,000 from Western Union money transfer branch. His image was also captured on the CCTV’s Hall of Shame.


Again, we question, is $4,000 worth the repercussions of the crime? Apparently, he dropped $3,000 of the cash that he grabbed.

Maybe he was inspired by the 48-year-old Singaporean who was charged for armed robbery at a petrol station in Upper Bukit Timah Road the day before, on 31 July.


Visvanathan Vadivelu, cleaning company worker, who also armed himself with a kitchen knife managed to run off with $1,193 in cash. But he was arrested four hours later at Jurong East Street 21.

According to TripAdvisor, Singapore is an “extremely safe… city”. But I think now I’m having second thoughts. After all, who could forget the StanChart robber that shocked the nation last year?

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