Bean Curd Company in S’pore Fined $3,000 After Dead Rat & Cockroaches Found in Its Premises

Pests like cockroaches are a horrid sight to behold and always elicit a few screams when they show up. Other than that, if they stay in the bins, we’re relatively fine.

But what happens when they come out of the shadows and appear in a food factory?

Now that’s a massive problem.

Cockroaches, Drain Flies & Rat

If you thought it couldn’t get any worse, the cockroaches were found with a bunch of other pests, namely drain flies and a rodent, in a soya bean manufacturing company.

Uhh, we hope you aren’t eating any soya bean products right now.

Larvae in pools of stagnant water and badly damaged ceiling panels were also spotted at Seng Huat Bean Curd in Jurong Food Hub.

This all came to light when Singapore Food Agency (SFA) officers inspected its premises in the early hours of 29 July last year.

The check found live and dead cockroaches in the storage area and boiler room, a dead rodent in the storage area, badly damaged walls and ceiling panels, as well as a damaged basin.

Sounds more like a haunted house than a food factory.

Soya Bean Products Recalled & Removed From Markets

According to SFA’s prosecuting officer, investigations found that Ng Sheng Jie, the operation manager of Seng Huat Bean Curd, was oblivious to the poor food hygiene lapses.

As a result, 2,920kg of soya bean products were recalled from the company and a further 470kg of goods were removed from markets and supermarkets in Singapore.

The products were disposed of on 30 July that year at Tuas South incineration plant.

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Previously, Seng Huat had been given a composition fine of $800 for failing to ensure its premises were clean on 14 April last year, making them a repeat offender.

This was a severe situation as the lack of food hygiene would put the public at risk of a food-borne outbreak.

Seng Huat Fined

On Wednesday (6 Apr), the company was fined $3,000 after pleading guilty to one count of failing to ensure that its establishment was properly maintained and clean.

You can now rest assured when coming across Seng Huat’s products in the supermarkets because the company has learnt its lesson and has since made improvements.

“SFA did a check recently and was satisfied with the condition of the company,” a representative of the company said.

Well, let’s hope the pests don’t go on a nostalgia trip and appear in their factory again.

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Featured Image: Seng Huat Bean Curd