Malay Family Beat Up Food Delivery Rider Who Sent Bak Kut Teh to Them

If anything, hearing my doorbell ring after ordering food delivery is always music to my ears, and I’m sure it’s the case for many others out there as well.

However, it probably wasn’t the case for this particular family in Bukit Batok that didn’t actually order food delivery.

And before you think, “Free food? Why are they declining it?”

It wasn’t free food.

In fact, it was quite the opposite, and they even beat up the GrabFood rider who delivered the food to them.

Before this starts to sound like some odd social experiment, here’s what happened.

GrabFood Rider Received Cash on Delivery Order for Bak Kut Teh

Just yesterday (16 December) afternoon, a female GrabFood rider named Wang Mingxia (Hanyu pinyin) received a Cash on Delivery order for $13.20 worth of bak kut teh, meaning that the occupants of the unit would pay her when she delivered the food to them.

When speaking to 8world, Cai recalled how the GrabFood user who had placed the order requested Wang to send the order to a sixth-storey unit at 435a Bukit Batok West Avenue 5.

Wang, 45, did so and brought the order up to the unit.

Occupants of Flat Denied Ordering but User Who Ordered Dish Told Her to Re-Send it Up

When Wang reached the unit at around 1 pm, a teenage boy denied that his family had ordered the bak kut teh.

He even pointed out that his family is Malay, meaning that it could not have been them who had ordered the bak kut teh since it is a pork dish. He then refused to pay Wang for the food.

Wang, who had previously received prank orders, thought it was another prank played by another user.

Hence, she left the unit and called the user who had ordered the food to understand the situation better.

However, the user who picked up the call claimed that there was someone at home waiting for the food and urged her to deliver the food quickly,

This prompted Wang to go back up to the unit.

Man Beaten Up Outside the Lift, Family Beat GrabFood Rider as Well After Seeing Her Return

When the lift doors near the unit opened, however, she saw a man in his 50s surrounded by two people.

Wang recognised one of the people as the teenager from the unit she went to earlier. The other person was a woman in her 30s, believed to be the teenager’s mother.

Although the duo first focused on attacking the man, they turned their attention to Wang upon noticing that she had returned.

Wang recounted how the son shouted at her loudly and blocked her way in an attempt to stop her from leaving.

Both mother and son chased neighbours who witnessed the situation away and told them to mind their own business. After that, the mother started repeatedly hitting Wang’s head and mouth on top of kicking her.

The pair also tried to snatch Wang’s mobile phone as they thought that she had taken pictures of the incident as evidence.

Wang’s Injuries Severe, but Man’s Were More Severe

Wang said that the beating caused her face to become swollen and her lips to bleed and bruise. Her head also hurt immensely after the attack.

She then told 8world that she would seek medical attention today (17 December).

After the incident, she was informed that the man in his 50s who also got attacked by the family was a property agent.

Similar to her experience, he had apparently been sent by a loan shark to do a house visit, which caused him to get beaten up.

According to her, the man’s injuries were more severe than hers. After the incident, he was sent to the hospital to get treated for his injuries.

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Found Out Afterwards that Loan Shark Probably Ordered Meal

After the incident, Wang’s son called the police on her behalf to request their assistance.

The police reached the scene at around 3 pm yesterday (16 December) to investigate the situation.

Wang also attempted to call the user who ordered the meal, but the user did not pick up and was completely uncontactable afterwards.

She was then told afterwards that the father of the family living at the unit owes loan sharks $400 and that the loan shark probably ordered the meal to remind him to pay up.

She added that she contacted Grab afterwards to inform them of the incident, which prompted Grab to cancel the order.

However, she said she was still upset as she was beaten up for no reason.

Wang then explained that based on her contract, Grab does not provide any form of insurance regarding accidents (or beatings) for its riders.

She expressed her opinion that it would be beneficial for riders if the company could come forth and help seek justice for them or help them deal with the aftermath of such incidents.

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Featured Image: 8world