A Man Allegedly Went Around Bukit Panjang MRT Station to Harass Guys for Selfie & Number

Multiple people have posted about their experience with a creepy man on Reddit, prompting one person to make a police report.

Here’s what happened.

Initial Reddit Post Asked Whether They Should Report Man to Police

Reddit user u/moonlightify first posted about this man on the r/singapore subreddit with the title, “Harrassed on MRT?

The user shared that he was taking a Downtown Line train toward Bukit Panjang when he was suddenly approached by a random man, who asked the OP to send a selfie of himself to the man via WhatsApp.

moonlightify, who had no idea who this man was, asked why he wanted a photo. The man apparently kept stating that he just wanted a photo, and kept being very insistent.

Obviously, moonlightify did not send him the photo and bolted out of the train at the next stop. While he was running away, the guy actually tried to grab OP’s school bag but ended up letting go and retreating into the cabin.

moonlightify said that he went to the passenger service counter to make a report, but they couldn’t do anything unless a police report was filed. OP then asked for advice on whether this counted as harassment and is worthy of a police investigation.

Reader Encounted Same Man at Bukit Panjang

One day later, a post titled “Harrassed on MRT Part 2” by user u/faintchester1 appeared on the r/singapore subreddit.

The poster explained how he read the initial post in the morning, and surprisingly encounter that man in the evening while on the way home. He was on the same train that the initial poster was on, which was from Downtown toward Bukit Panjang.

At Bukit Panjang, while going up on the escalator, a “slim and small” guy with glasses, wearing a black shirt and pants tried talking to faintchester1. The user estimated the man’s age to be about 25 to 28 years old.

The guy asked the poster to take a selfie and send it via WhatsApp, which gave the poster’s brain “an electric shock” as he realised it was the guy from the Reddit post he read that morning.

When faintchester1 said no, the harasser got angry and pointed his middle finger while swearing. Everyone in the area was looking at the man, but in true Singaporean fashion, nobody did anything lah.

faintchester1 decided to follow the man from a distance, and saw that he ran to take a bus. It was a bus from the Bukit Panjang bus stop on the right-hand side of the MRT escalator, with Hillion on the left.

Didn’t Feel Threatened, Just “Sibeh Strange”

faintchester1 then said that he didn’t feel angry, but “sibeh strange”. After all, why is that man asking other guys for pictures? “And why BP suddenly becoming Yishun huh?”

moonlightify then replied to faintchester1’s post, saying that the man also didn’t take no for an answer during his encounter. However, moonlightify also didn’t feel threatened, only weirded out.

On his original post, moonlightify has also updated that he has lodged a police report, after advice from fellow Redditors poured in.

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Apparently On Red Line Too

A Reddit user, u/hyperparasitism, commented on u/faintchester1’s post, saying that they saw that guy on the red line. He was exhibiting similar behaviour to what was shared on Reddit, like asking for pictures, videos and handshakes.

Image: Reddit

Other users also shared that they met the guy at various parts of the island too, including Choa Chu Kang and even the purple line.

Image: Reddit
Image: Reddit

People also likened this man to the “Bishan guy”, another man who used to harass boys at Bishan a few years ago.

Image: Reddit
Image: Reddit

If you ever encounter a similar case of harassment, do lodge a police report, either at the police station or via their online portal.

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Featured Image: Jenny Zhang / Shutterstock.com