Cars Vandalized by Loan Sharks…in Yishun

There are three things that will definitely happen in life: the sun rising from the East, McDonald’s fare falling short of what was originally advertised and something weird/shocking happening in Yishun.

And guess what? Yishun has struck again.

Image: Imgflip

Well not quite.

On Tuesday (16 Jan), two cars parked in a carpark at Yishun Street 61 were found vandalised with paint: both had “O$P$” written on it with yellow spray paint.

Image: Stomp
Image: Stomp

So while it’s not exactly a sharknado, it definitely still has something to do with sharks.

Loan sharks, that is.

What happened exactly?

Stomper Daniel chanced upon the defiled cars on 16 Jan, in his neighbourhood carpark at Yishun Street 61.

At around 7:30 a.m., he spotted a silver Toyota that had “O$P$” scribbled on it with yellow spray paint, alongside streaks of brown and yellow liquid.

Later on, at 12:00 p.m., Daniel saw another car with an almost identical “paint job”. This time, it was a black Volvo.

“I did not see what happened but it appears to be the work of a loan shark,” said the Stomper.

“They have taken things to another level and don’t take the law seriously.”

This isn’t the first time it happened

In September 2016, loan shark runners were captured on camera locking the door of a HDB unit at Block 704 Yishun Avenue.

Earlier in June 2017, three women were arrested for vandalising vehicles in a bid to get people to pay back debts. They had reportedly spray-painted two vehicles parked in Hougang and Simei respectively, pink.


Netizens generally pointed the finger at enforcement officers, although some (like the one first comment below) chose to direct the blame at the borrowers.

Image: Stomp

Others contributed with pretty witty comments.

Image: Stomp

And some didn’t bother mincing their words.

Image: Stomp

Incidentally, hum-kar-chan refers to a very mysterious form of fortune telling. Right, my fellow frogmen? 😉


We shall leave it to our enforcement officers to carry the due actions out. Not saying that we don’t want to help, but we can’t really square up against sharks with pens and paper. Hahahaha…

Meanwhile, what we can do is update this page when we receive updates.

So until then, stay tuned.

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about a guy who lodged a Police report here in Singapore because he was friendzoned? Seriously. Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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Featured image: Stomp