People Are Now Worried That FaceApp Has Invaded Our Privacy But That Could be...

Unless you were in the mountains training to be a monk, you probably saw a lot of old people on your social media. But...

The Science Behind Laurel & Yanny Explained: It’s About A Person’s Age

If you recall, a long time ago, we had the infamously family-tearing, bond-breaking, buddy-hating debate about whether the damn dress was blue black or white...

Studies Show That Cyber-bullies Were Once Victims

Keyboard warriors, as we affectionately call them, are usually behind these technology screens planning personal attacks on their victims. But what made them keyboard warriors...

M’sian Doctor Reveals How Unhealthy Bubble Tea Is & Advises Netizens To Avoid It

If three cups of bubble tea a day doesn't sum up my extremely unhealthy and expensive obsession with bubble tea, I don't know what...

Harvard Study Shows Frequent Ejaculation Lowers Risk Of Death From Disease & Helps You...

No matter where I go, it follows me. It plagues me. On one hand, it feels so good. If there's one thing for certain, it's a...

5 Things to Do in Lim Chu Kang Other Than Visiting Cemeteries

If you think Choa Chu Kang is ulu, you obviously haven't met the elder sibling of Choa Chu Kang. Some of your parents/grandparents might have...

Cockroach Milk Could Be Sold As a ‘Super Milk’ in The Near Future

If reading the headline itself disgusted you, you’re not alone. But there’s still a possibility that in the future, you might be saying this with...

History of Selfie: It Wasn’t Invented By Mr Bean & Was First Taken in...

How many of you have Instagram accounts filled with your selfies? All of them of toilet mirror selfies, selfies in front of tourist attractions, selfies/wefies...

The Unique Reason Why Only Certain People Like Watching ASMR Videos

If you've been on YouTube often enough (and looking in the right places), you'll probably come across videos like these: Or this. That's right. ASMR Or, the entire...

Everything You Need To Know About The ‘Freegan’ Culture in S’pore

Have you ever heard the phrase "dumpster diving?" It's exactly what it says: the act of going through dumpsters, trash or anything similar to find...