#MovieMonday: Fall In Love At First Kiss Review, a Film By Our Times’ Lead...

Taiwanese teen movies have, for a long time, been enchanting and captivating us. In 2011, it was romance film You're The Apple Of My Eye. Four...

Don’t Say Bojio: 1-for-1 Pizza in Pizza Hut from Mon to Thurs (Delivery Only)

By now, you guys would have known about the Bromance between Domino’s Pizza and Pizza Hut. To cut long story short, Domino’s Pizza sent two...

Expired Chocolate At FairPrice Outlet in Jurong Point Shows Importance Of Reading Labels Before...

NTUC FairPrice is the place you go to when you want fresh produce or household necessities. While our moms might prefer the wet market because...

Mahjong Tournament in Jurong East with $300 Cash Prizes on 20 Apr 2019

Update: According to THE CHEVRONS, the event has been cancelled due to "some unforeseen circumstances". Are you that fellow whose hand is always itchy at night,...

XpressFlowers Says It’s Unavoidable To Miss Out Orders on V Day But They’re Sincere...

What's the number one thing that comes to your mind when it's Valentine's Day? Flowers, right? That's the best way to show love, even if your...

9 Weirdest McDonald’s Ads All Over the World

McDonald’s is a worldwide brand, and it’s got some really great burgers, golden fries and for kids, a superb Happy Meal pack. Whenever you feel...

Long Working Hours Might Lead to Irregular Rapid Heartbeat

Admit it – some of you are in this situation. You always stay back at work coz you’ve go SO MANY THINGS to do,...

Woman Shared About How She Got Harassed On The Streets But a Netizen Says...

The feminist movement is on the rise all around the world today. And there are more and more females now calling for more rights...

NUS Girl Said She Didn’t Want Flowers for Val Day But Got Angry When...

There are a few mysteries in the world that have yet to be solved: Who built the pyramids? What’s the real identity of Jack...

Report of Young Hawkers Quitting Shows That Sudden Online Publicity Doesn’t Help F&B Establishments

I bet you’d have experienced this: you saw a Damn Worth It Facebook video that recommends a unique makan place, see thousands of shares...