CCK Starbucks in the Spotlight Again After Someone Found it Flooded with Students…Again

If you’re a frequent Starbucks patron like me (how can you not when there’s so many good deals???) you’ve probably seen a unique side of Singaporeans.


Nope, this is not a library, this is in a Starbucks store.

Increasing number of students (sec sch, JC/poly, uni…you name it) are turning towards studying in Starbucks due to their conducive environment.

While some are mindful to offer their seats for restaurant patrons (thank goodness for gracious Singaporeans), there are still some who have made it to the headlines for their self-centredness.

A Starbucks patron in Choa Chu Kang went online to voice her frustration over the sight of numerous students who have made the venue their study spot.

She complained that there was no place for patrons and the particular Starbucks store did nothing about the situation.

Starbucks then replied via Facebook that they look to find the “right balance” and will work hard to create a “warm and welcoming environment for all”.


This is not the first time we’ve heard of such incidents. There were cases of selfish individuals who ordered nothing from Starbucks and took up seats like a boss.

Not buying anything makes no difference as compared to studying in a library, no? Now that’s calling for some internet-shaming.

Not sure if you remember the girl who got backlashed, thinking that it was wrong for Starbucks to “chase her out” from studying in the store.

Some people just never learn…

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about an NTU student who went all out to impress his crush, only to end up in…tragedy? Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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