Half of the $300 CDC Vouchers We’re Receiving Next Month Can Be Used in Supermarkets

Remember that few hundred bucks you got from the government one or two years back? 

Yea, the one to help us during COVID

They’re called CDC vouchers, and they’re back again. 


2023 CDC Voucher Distribution

On Tuesday (20 December), the five Community Development Councils (CDC) and the People’s Association (PA) announced that in the next month, each Singaporean household would receive $300 in CDC vouchers. 

“Each Singaporean household will receive $300 CDC vouchers in early January – $150 which can be spent at participating hawkers and heartland merchants; the other $150 at participating supermarkets, to offer residents more choices to meet their needs.”

From two different packages, $200 will come from the Assurance Package and $100 from the $1.5 billion package announced in October 2022, totaling $300. 

In the press statement, they said the vouchers would be released on 3 January by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Lawrence Wong.

More details will be provided in due time. 

Also, the organisations announced to the press that that 98% (1.2 million) and 95% (1.16 million) of Singaporean households had claimed their 2021 and 2022 CDC vouchers, respectively. 

Of the vouchers distributed, close to 90% have been used at almost 20,000 participating hawkers and heartland merchants. 

2021 and 2022 CDC Voucher Donation

Even though next year’s is the third distribution of vouchers, some of us haven’t even used up the ones from the past years (2021 and 2022). 

So, if you’ve overstocked already and are sick of eating caifan and fishball noodles, what else can you spend the vouchers on?

If you reckon you’re well-off enough, why not donate your outstanding vouchers to those who need them more?

Via the CDC vouchers scheme website,  from Tuesday (20 December) to 31 January 2023, you can donate your remaining CDC vouchers from 2021 and 2022 to charity. 

So, on 31 December, when your vouchers expire, put them to good use not only for the needy but for yourself, too, because some of these donations are tax-deductible.

With more than 170 different organisations to choose from, each with its unique purpose, you’re sure to find a charity that resonates with you. 

According to the CDCs and PA, tax deductions may be provided by the respective charities, depending on their policies on the issuance of tax deductions. 

“While Singaporean households are encouraged to claim and spend their vouchers before they expire on 31 December 2022, the CDCs have received public feedback that some Singapore households would like to share the balance amount of their vouchers with those who might need it more amidst concern over the rising cost of living,” the CDCs and PA said.

“The CDCs are now offering Singaporean households more flexibility in using CDC vouchers through a donation option.”

The organisations have also clarified that the receiving end will be given cash instead of vouchers. 

I might have put the cart before the horse by not explaining beforehand how to donate. 

Well, firstly, head down to the CDC vouchers scheme website, then click on “Donate CDC Vouchers.” Choose one from the list of charities, then log in with Singpass to pledge your household’s CDC voucher balance as of 31 December 2022 to the selected charity. 

The charities belong to an array of sectors, namely Animal Welfare, Arts & Heritage, Children & Youth, Education, Elderly, Environment, Families & Children, HealthCare, Migrant Community, Persons with Disability, Sports, and Others. 

If you’re still unsure, you can read CDC’s donation-related FAQs or watch the step-by-step video guide

“Singaporeans have shown great strength and unity in the midst of challenging circumstances,” the chairman of the Mayors’ Committee and mayor of South West District said.

“I am touched by the selfless spirit of Singaporeans who uplift one another in tough times. I am certain our strong sense of solidarity and resilience will help us weather challenges and forge ahead together as one nation.”

If you didn’t know how or where to use the vouchers, you do now.

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CDC Vouchers Scheme

In June 2020 and January 2021, the then-Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat launched the CDC Vouchers Scheme to help Singaporean lower-income households defray their cost of living and concurrently, support the pandemic-affected hawkers and heartland merchants. 

In Budget 2021, he announced that each of the 1.3 million Singaporean households will receive $100 CDC vouchers, totaling up to $130 million. 

Following up on his work, the Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Lawrence Wong announced at Budget 2022 that CDCs will be giving thee new tranches of the scheme from 2022 to 2024 to help Singaporeans hurdle through this difficult time. 

In May 2022, the CDCs distributed $100 worth of vouchers. Along with 2023’s $300 and 2024’s $200, the entire CDC Vouchers Scheme will provide Singaporeans with up to $700 worth of vouchers. 

CDC Vouchers

The government might be giving you money, but that doesn’t mean you get to spend it in any way you want. 

As previously mentioned, they can be used at hawkers, heartland merchants, and supermarkets. More specifically, they are only redeemable at participating merchants displaying the CDC voucher decal (that little red banner with the thumbs-up logo). 

Image: CDC Vouchers

So, what can’t you buy?

These vouchers are invalid for the purchase of lottery products, petrol, diesel, alcohol, or cigarettes. 

Essentially, nothing sinful (except for your favourite Nasi Lemak).

Do note that these vouchers are not for resale and are not exchangeable for cash or gift vouchers. The expiry date is final and the vouchers cannot be renewed then. 

Hurry go pledge your vouchers to charity before they expire!

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Featured Image: Facebook (Lawrence Wong)