Cha Tra Mue Rose Milk Tea Will Make You Bomb The Toilet Like Nobody’s Business

I have never heard such benefits of rose milk tea – it acts like a laxative.

Like, seriously. Not hearsay, but science.


You can drink your favorite milk without growing fat. Wow, perfect for everybody!

And because of that, all eyeballs are now on this Thai tea chain – Cha Tra Mue.


If you want to release all the toxins in your body, please continue reading.

I think they probably did a very good job with the photo above. You can probably imagine yourself sipping one of those drinks in the delicate breeze, with the petals whirling down.


But before you get lost in fantasy, please note the disclaimer:

“Rose is an old laxative remedy, may cause bowel movement after consumption.”

“You may need to visit the toilet frequently, please do not try if you’re not ready.”

So I did some research to see if rose is really an old laxative treatment. Here are some key findings:

Rose petals / buds have healing powers.


They were used in ancient medicine to treat various illnesses like chest, abdominal pains and menstrual bleeding.

It also helps with inflammation in various parts of the body and to relieve cough, and it gives your body a boost down there (yeah, we’re referring to the laxative effects).

It’s also loaded with vitamin C and natural antioxidants like Polyphenols which can be superb for the skin. Not only that, it has zero caffeine and calories.


Improves digestion.

Okay, here comes the highlight. 

“Rose tea can stimulate the body’s production of bile which in turn helps our stomachs to digest food effectively.”

It works as a “mild laxative and is often used as an effective natural remedy for constipation“.

Alright, mystery solved.

To sum it up, rose tea is a safe drink to consume and the effect of laxative is “mild”.

But I can’t help you if you decide to drink 5 cups of that tasty Cha Tra Mue Rose Milk Tea at one go. Save some tummy space for their soft serve ice cream too!

Image: Cha Tra Mue’s Facebook Page

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the reason why Cha Tra Mue, which has four outlets in Singapore, has gone viral.

Other than looking pretty, their Instagram-worthy rose milk tea has been known for its natural remedy for constipation.

Not sure about you, but if a drink can look good and at the same time makes me feel good, it’s going to reduce those milk tea brands into…food fads.


You can find Cha Tra Mue outlets here.

And oh, you can get it online too. Talk about convenience!

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Featured Image: Facebook (Cha Tra Mue Singapore)