Challenger & Harvey Norman Warns Of Scams Via SMS & Email

In Goody Feed, we are always actively warning our readers against the latest scammer’s tactics. Mainly because:

  1. We dislike unethical people.
  2. We dislike people misusing technology for the wrong reason.
  3. Scammers-related articles seem to get more clicks. #JustKidding

Just a week ago, we posted about the latest Singtel scam, and this week, we have Harvey Norman and Challenger as the next victim.

Oh come on, stop with the impersonating already.

gif: Giphy

Phishing With The Use Of Fake Sites

According to Straits Times, scammers have been impersonating electronic giants, Challengers and Harvey Norman, by luring customers into fakes sites so as to gain access to their personal details.

Both Challenger and Harvey Norman have taken these issue to their Facebook page and have since warned their customers regarding these scams.

Image: Facebook (Challenger Singapore)
Image: Facebook (Harvey Norman Singapore)

“You Are The Lucky Winner” 

Just like any other scams, customers were being told that they have won a lucky draw contest and were asked to fill up their details so as to redeem the prize.

Singaporeans must love lucky draw a lot huh?

After Challenger posted on Facebook to warn customers about the scam, members of the public have been commenting on the post with regards to the scam texts that they have been receiving.

Image: Facebook (Challenger Singapore)

Upon clicking the link in the text, customers were being directed to a site which would require them to fill up their details before they are able to redeem the prizes.

image: Facebook (Challenger Singapore)

In case you can’t see what’s written on the site, it says:

“We are missing an answer from the following customers.

*Tons of cheated customers name*

Answer as honestly as possible – Remember that you can get a free gift after answering.

Answer the questions and choose your gift, it will then be sent within 48 hours.

*Image of Samsung S10 and  iPhone XS*”

To the scammers there: How about you be as honest as possible instead.

Image: Giphy

Fake Facebook Page

Unlike Challenger, Harvey Norman is warning customers against “unknown entity” who has been impersonating through e-mails, web pages and even Facebook page.

Image: Harvey Norman

As usual, free vouchers.

However, this is not the first time Harvey Norman has met with such issue.

In fact, a look on their website, you will come to notice that this first happened in September 2018.

Image: Harvey Norman

Poor Harvey Norman.

Public Concern

With all these scams ongoing, it is inevitable that people would start worrying about their personal details being leaked and wonder how did these scammers get their number in the first place.

Many Challengers customers have also voiced their worries online.

image: Facebook (Challenger Singapore)
Image: Facebook (Challenger Singapore)

And just like a patient boyfriend, Challenger has been assuring customers that necessary steps have been taken and that customers’ data are being secured and protected.

Harvey Norman’s customers, on the other hand, are more worried about their orders and being the top fan of the page.

image: Facebook (Harvey Norman Singapore)

Talk about setting your priorities right huh.

Regardless what your current priorities are, do remember to stay vigilant!

If you’re unsure of anything, call up the company, or drop them a private message on their social media pages – just make sure it’s the right social media page.

Do also keep in mind that most companies will never ask for your personal particulars through text messages or any online platforms.