China’s ‘Most Handsome Man’ Threatens to Sue Anyone Who Says He’s Just an Untalented Pretty Face

Even though I’m sure most of us would kill to be called the best-looking person in the entire country, it seems like beauty does indeed come with its share of troubles as well.

Recently, Tibetan herder Dingzhen Zhenzhu’s agent announced that he just issued a lawyer’s letter on Sunday (15 May) against defamatory remarks made against him and his looks in particular.

In particular, it was specified that he would not hesitate to take action against anyone who posted “insulting, terrifying, vulgar, or vilifying words, pictures and audio” about him.

Based on the letter’s contents, Dingzhen has already taken legal action against those who have posted negative comments about him and also took the chance to caution others against making similar comments.

In a statement that he attached to the letter, Dingzhen said, “Never dare do anything evil no matter how trivial you think it is.”

Shot to Fame in 2020

And if you’re wondering who Dingzhen, now 21, is, here’s all you need to know about him.

Dingzhen first rose to fame in 2020 on social media in China due to his, you guessed it, appearance.

With his rugged charm, he was even given the unofficial title of “China’s most handsome man” at one point in time.

After the seven-second clip that showed off his “innocent smile” and “pretty face” went viral across the country, he immediately became an online influencer with a huge following in China.

Currently, he boasts over 2.85 million followers on Chinese social media site Weibo.

He also managed to secure a job as an ambassador in his hometown, a job given to him by the local government of Litang, which used to be one of the most poverty-stricken counties in China.

Dingzhen was then able to leverage on his huge following and introduce his hometown to those around the country, transforming Litang into a well-received spot for tourism nowadays.

Dingzhen was also invited to participate in various events such as a speaking engagement at a World Earth Day event that was organised by the United Nations Development Programme last year.

Name Used as a Negative Reference

However, due to the quick fame that he achieved, there were also many netizens who expressed their cynicism towards his fame.

This was particularly so for men, and Dingzhen’s name soon became a term thrown around to describe people who are “talentless” but good-looking in a derogatory fashion.

This term soon extended to mainstream media, where even people like Wang Bingbing, a famous state media reporter, earned the title of “Dingzhen Who Interviews”.

Other online celebrities such as Taiwanese singer and fitness trainer Will Liu Keng-hung were not spared either, with Liu being called “Exercising Dingzhen”.

Dingzhen Caught Vaping

Apart from the remarks about his appearance, Dingzhen was also caught vaping in a video that made its rounds on social media last January.

“Although smoking is a personal choice by any adult, as a public figure, one should take his influence into consideration. We apologise on behalf of Dingzhen,” his agent later wrote in a statement.

Netizens’ Reactions to His Fame

Beyond that, netizens have also posted various comments to prove how society regards one highly even if all they have is a “pretty face”.

One well-known comment that has been circulating around social media is “10 years of hard academic study is not a quarter as good as Dingzhen’s smile”, emphasising just how much people look up to good-looking people even if they have no accomplishments or achievements.

Hupu, a leading sports forum in China, surveyed over 3,300 users in December 2020 regarding their opinions about Dingzhen’s appearance.

A whopping majority of 63% believed they were more handsome than Dingzhen.

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However, it seems that Dingzhen has not taken these comments to heart, at least outside of the fact that he’s suing anyone who calls him “just a pretty face”.

During an interview with Chinese monthly magazine Portrait in October 2021, he mentioned that he knew about the remarks that were going around on social media.

“I saw it, but what I thought was, as a Tibetan saying goes: ‘When there are hundreds of people who like you, there may be tens of thousands who don’t,'” he commented.

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Featured Image: Weibo (@理塘定真)