Chinese Man Wanted For Pouring Boiling Water On Yet Another Dog; He’s Unlikely To Be Arrested

Recently, you might have seen a video of a Chinese man who had filmed himself pouring boiling water over a dog and smashing another dog’s legs with a rod being circulated.

That man is back.

He has resurfaced again and has released yet another video of himself pouring hot water over a dog.

My heart hurts for the poor dog. 

Non-Profit Organisation Investigating 

The videos have since been reposted by Animal Hope and Wellness, a non-profit group.

They reassured their followers that there is now a lead on the suspect behind the crimes thanks to the activists and groups that have been on high alert.

The whereabouts and identity of the abuser have been narrowed down to Nanjing, in Jiangsu province, China.

And The Search Begins 

His QQ number was posted previously but he has since erased his page.

Note that this man’s profile picture is a picture of a burnt dog.


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Update on the Dog Abuser who filmed himself burning his dog with hot water, and smashing their legs with a bat. . We have narrowed the search down to Nanjing Jiangsu province. In order to find him, we hired an investigation firm to help locate his exact whereabouts through his online media accounts. . Because this happened in China, it is difficult to track people since law enforcement is not cooperative. Activists and groups have been working to identify this individual, and while the search is narrowing, at the moment there is still no confirmation on identity. . The screenshot above is the dog abuser’s online media account. He has since erased his page. He had a picture of a dog that was burned as his profile picture. . Currently, it is unknown if the dogs in the video are still alive. What makes finding this person important – is that these dogs are living in constant fear, and could be tortured at any moment. . @suki_oo @nom_aly #animalhopeinlegislation

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A screenshot of the alleged abuser’s QQ account has been posted since then.

Image: Instagram (Animal And Wellness)

But, the man in the profile picture might not be the actual perpetrator.

However, the account is said to be the same one used previously to post the first two videos.

Appeal For Information 

Even though an investigation frim has been hired to help locate the man’s whereabouts, nothing has been found so far.

The non-profit organisation has appealed to anyone with information on the man to contact them at policy@animalhopeandwellness.

China Laws On Animal Abuse 

In Singapore, we have strict laws on animal abuse to protect our furry little creatures. However, in China, the same cannot be said.

China has no nationwide laws preventing the abuse, suffering, and mistreatment of companion/domesticated animals.

This means that random violence and cruelty towards animals could go unpunished… which also implies that even if the man is found, he is unlikely to be arrested or charged.

However, Chinese netizens have their way of dealing with these people.

Ever Heard Of The Human Flesh Search Engine? 

According to, it is a phenomenon in which Internet users hunt down and punish people, especially animal abusers.

They do so by revealing the abuser’s personal details such as their phone number, workplace, and their name.

Due to the extent of these searches, the Chinese government has deemed the search as “illegal and immoral”.

However, it has not stopped the Chinese from seeking justice.

For example, when a video of a woman crushing kittens surfaced, netizens were able to track down the culprit in six days.

Not only did the woman and the cameraman lose their jobs but the video that the website was posted on was also shut down.

Wow. That’s tough. 

Do Not Circulate The Video 

Recently, SPCA has urged people not to circulate videos of animal abuse online.

“There are syndicates that profit from animal torture films, including some that are produced for sexual fetish.”