Chinese Nurses Get Into a Fist Fight During Surgery While Operating On Patient

Just yesterday, a surveillance footage went viral in the Chinese Social Media which showed two nurses engaging in a fist fight in the midst of a surgery.

In the video, the first nurse is seen throwing something at the other nurse and then a fight breaks out. 

All while the patient was lying on the operating table. 

According to an article from Shanghailist, the video is allegedly shot at a hospital in Lankao county, Henan province. In the video, the female nurse throws the first punch and the male coworker is then seen hitting her on the head and pushing her to the floor. She then remains on the floor for the rest of the clip. 

Startled by the brawl, one of the operating surgeons then leave the operating table to try and stop the fight. In the video, it could also be seen that there was only 1 other surgeon left on the operating table with the patient. The operation had already commenced by the time the fight broke out.

And here comes the interesting part. 

However, when asked to comment, a local police officer told reporters that the operation had already ceased when the fight happened, and that there was no patient left on the operating table.

Then what’s that on the operating table? A dummy?

You can check out the rest of the video below:

Fight breaks out mid-surgery between medical workers in operating room👉

Posted by Shanghaiist on Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Honestly, this is so epic that I cannot even…

I mean, even if they wanted to pick a fight, they should have waited till the whole operation was over before even going into a disagreement. So what are they supposed to tell the family of the patient if anything goes awry during the operation?

“Oh, I’m sorry, I couldn’t save your child because we were too busy fist-fighting in the midst of his/her operation. We tried our best.”

How responsible.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Shanghaiist)

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