It’s So Cold Nowadays, Tiles in Various HDBs ‘Explode’

Now that everyone knows about the cold weather in our sunny island recently, we shall not talk about how cold it is or why it is so.

In this article, we’re going to talk about strange things happening on this island…

…and how people are speculating it to be the weather’s doing.

Over the weekend, there were a few incidents of “exploding floor tiles” reported across the island.

According to Channel NewsAsia,  these reports were made by residents of Housing and Development Board (HDB) flats from 6 areas.

I’ll not be going into details for each case, but I’ll just use two cases to highlight some of the “symptoms” you should expect to see, in case you encounter a similar fate.

(touches wood)


Case #1

This happened in Punggol to the family of Mr Robin Thomas.

They woke up to the sound of floor tiles in their dining room “exploding” one by one in their flat on Sunday (Jan 14) morning.

Image: CNA

He and his wife saw the tiles start bending inwards and immediately brought their children out of the house to safety..

“The tiles started bending inwards one by one (like there was) an invisible force. It was like something you see in the movies,” said Mr Thomas.

While making their way out of the house, Mr Thomas said that the tiles “wobbled” and “sank slightly” as they stepped on them.

They thought that the building was going to collapse.


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Case #2

Residing in Bukit Panjang, Mr Zul Effandy said that he and his wife heard a “cracking sound” from underneath the carpet in the living room.

The sound got louder and the couple jumped from their seats and backed away.

When the sound stopped, they pulled the carpet away to see that the tiles had “exploded”.

Image: CNA

What the experts say

Mr Tan Chim Hoon, adviser at Singapore Renovation Contractors and Material Suppliers Association, said that the “explosions” could be due to poor workmanship.

He did not rule out the recent weather change as another possible reason.

“Now it’s very cold or very hot. And there’s a little bit of vibration. So this causes the tiles to have no place to expand. Because of this, the tiles all pop up,” he said.


Not the first time

In October last year, two such “explosions” were reported in HDB flats as well.

One was described to have caused tiles to fly from the kitchen to the living room while another seemed like an earthquake.

What netizens say

There was a heated discussion online regarding what caused the “explosion”.

While some speculated it to be caused by the drop in temperature, more thought that the contractors and materials used should be blamed instead.

Image: CNA Facebook Page
Image: CNA Facebook Page
Image: CNA Facebook Page
Image: CNA Facebook Page


It’s certainly kind of misleading as the “explosions” happened just when the cold temperature decided to drop us a visit.

Not to mention several cases at the same time as well.

On the other hand, if the weather is really at fault, then shouldn’t more cases be reported? I’m not sure if 6 cases (at the point of writing) is enough to justify this situation.

So what do you think? Did the weather play a part in this?

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This article was first published on

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Featured image: CNA