Everything About the COVID-19 Awards That Will Be Given to Over 100K People in S’pore

Events and occasions usually wrap up with an award ceremony.

COVID-19, however, has yet to have enough with redefining our new normals.

More than 100,000 individuals will be receiving COVID-19 awards, but thanks to China’s recent reopening, it doesn’t seem like COVID-19 is coming to an end yet.

Here’s what you need to know about Singapore’s COVID-19 awards.

More Than 100K Individuals to be Given COVID-19 Awards

Special state awards are now being given to people to recognise their contributions to Singapore’s battle against COVID-19. These awards are being given to people from the public, private and people sectors.

There are mainly two types of awards being given out, the National Awards (COVID-19) as well as the COVID-19 Resilience Medal and the COVID-19 Resilience Certificate.

More than 9,000 people will receive the National Awards (COVID-19), and about 99,000 people and 800 teams will receive the COVID-19 Resilience Medal and the COVID-19 Resilience Certificate.

As you would have guessed, quite a number of the award recipients are individuals and teams from the public healthcare sector. Well, at least an award is better than clapping and singing from a window.

The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) shared that the sheer number of award recipients shows how the effort of the entire nation was required to fight against COVID-19 successfully. Aside from our doctors and nurses providing medical care, we also have those who provided surveillance and testing, among others, to thank for our victories against COVID-19.

Among the highest awards of the National Awards (COVID-19) are the Meritorious Service Medal (COVID-19), the Public Service Star (COVID-19) and the Public Administration Medal (Gold) (COVID-19).

There are so many different awards being given out that the person who thought of the names for all these awards should also be given a mention.

The Meritorious Service Medal (COVID-19)

One of the award recipients of the Meritorious Service Medal (COVID-19) is Associate Professor Kenneth Mak Seck Wai.

You might remember seeing him in clips of the multi-ministry task force alongside more familiar names like Lawrence Wong and Ong Ye Kung. Assoc Prof Mak is the director of medical services at the Ministry of Health (MOH) and helped the multi-ministry task force shape our nation’s strategy for overcoming COVID-19.

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Mr Pang Kin Keong, the Homefront Crisis Executive Group chairman, and Mr Tan Chong Meng, the lead for Temasek’s Community Care Facilities Taskforce, also received the Meritorious Service Medal (COVID-19). Mr Tan also co-chairs the Emerging Stronger Task Force, which oversees the longer-term work of responding to structural economic shifts.

COVID-19 Resilience Medal and COVID-19 Resilience Certificate

The COVID-19 Resilience Medal and the COVID-19 Resilience Certificate will be given out to recognise the contributions of people who directly participated in helping Singapore fight the dreaded virus.

The new state award was announced by PM Lee earlier this year during the National Day Rally 2022. PM Lee even jokingly suggested having two red lines on the medal’s ribbon to resemble the lines on your ART test result.

When PM Lee steps down from his position, he could consider becoming a designer.

The COVID-19 Resilience Medal features the state crest, our national flower, and even a shield with the same five stars and crescent moon seen on our national flag.

Perhaps the MBS Mask lady should also be given an award for playing an unparalleled role in raising awareness of the importance of wearing masks.

These special state awards serve to recognise and honour everyone who has played a part in helping Singapore achieve its new normal.

Thank you, Singapore’s COVID-19 heroes!

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Featured Image: Facebook (Singapore General Hospital)