COVID-19 Vaccines Prevented 8,000 Deaths in S’pore During the Delta Wave

If you need a good reason to get vaccinated (which, by this time, you shouldn’t), here’s one.

During the Delta wave last year, the COVID-19 vaccines helped prevent 8,000 deaths in Singapore.

On top of that, according to the Ministry of Health (MOH), vaccines also helped prevent approximately 33,000 severe cases and 112,000 hospitalisations during the same period of time.

So no, being an intelligent vaxxer won’t help you at all in this case, unless you want to be one of 112,000 people lying in a hospital bed.

Effectiveness of Vaccines in Singapore

The statistics were derived from how effective the vaccines were in Singapore.

Of course, we all know that vaccines help prevent COVID-19 infections, but one local study got the exact data: As compared to the unvaccinated, those who were vaccinated were 56.4% less likely to be infected with COVID-19 when exposed to household members who had COVID-19.

Another statistic that was discussed was the hospitalisation rate and the likeliness of contracting severe illness based on age during the peak of the Delta variant last year, ie. from 1 August to 31 December 2021.

For individuals from 50 to 59 years old, the hospitalisation rate of those who were vaccinated was, 4%, while that of the unvaccinated was 34%.

Additionally, those who were vaccinated had a mere 1% chance of falling severely ill, while those who weren’t had a 10% chance. That means you’re 10 times more likely to fall severely ill if you aren’t vaccinated.

As for the elderly who were 80 years old or older, hospitalisation rates for the vaccinated versus unvaccinated was 51% versus 88%. That’s more than a third’s difference.

Those who were vaccinated had a 10% chance of becoming severely ill while those who were not were more than four times likely to do so, with the percentage standing at 41%.

TL;DR: If you don’t get vaccinated, you’re much more likely to fall really sick or die, especially if you’re old. This one not ageism hor, not I anyhow say one.

As a whole, if vaccines did not exist, it was predicted that COVID-19 cases would have more than doubled during the Delta wave, bringing the total from 198,361 to around 400,000 or even more.

Hospitalisation rates would have increased by eight times, severe cases would have multiplied by 12 times and people were 11 times more likely to die.

This isn’t even overstating any of the data. In fact, it’s understating it.

As mentioned in the report, “These estimates likely underestimate the benefits of vaccination, as they do not factor in the effect of vaccinations in reducing the chain of transmission and the likelihood of worse mortality outcomes if healthcare facilities had to manage a significantly higher caseload.”

The report also highlighted that the COVID-19 vaccination scheme in Singapore has helped keep the number of COVID-19 related deaths to a minimum, so go get jabbed, people!

Currently, around 92% of Singapore’s population has had at least one dose of the vaccine.

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COVID-19 Situation in Other Countries

Singapore currently has around 16.7 COVID-19 related deaths per 100,000 members of the population, which is comparable with other countries such as Japan and South Korea which also boast high vaccination rates.

For comparison, Japan has 16.5 deaths and Korea has 14 deaths per 100,000 members of the population.

Theses statistics are largely contrasted with countries that have much lower vaccination rates, such as the USA.

In the USA, only around 65% of the population has been vaccinated. The country currently has approximately 227 deaths per 100,000 members of the population, more than 16 times of Singapore’s rate.

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Featured Image: siam.pukkato /