It’s Going to Continue to Rain Almost Daily for the Rest of Feb 2022

In a hot, humid country like Singapore, it’s no secret that cooling, rainy weather is often, if not, always welcome.

(Although we still complain, because, well, we’re Singaporeans.)

So if you’re one of those people who’ve woken up in the past week, delighted to realise that it’s raining and that you can snuggle in your bed for a while longer, here’s some good news for you.

According to weather forecasts, the wet, rainy weather that we’ve been experiencing in February so far is predicted to continue in the second half of the month.


Based on Meteorological Service Singapore, “short-duration thundery showers can be expected in the afternoon on most days, extending into the evening on some occasions” for the rest of February.

The amount of rainfall will be similar to that of the first half of February, where ” thundery showers fell over parts of the island in the late afternoon and evening on most days” and “occasional showers during the night on one or two days” took place as well.

In all, the rainfall for February is predicted to be above average, so don’t forget your umbrellas when you head out of the house!

(Unless you’re shooting an emo MV where you’re crying in the rain. If so, pretend I didn’t say anything.)


For the second half of February, the prevailing winds will be blowing from the northwest or northeast. The first half of February saw similar wind directions as well, although the wind did blow from the east on some days.

When the winds are strong enough, they “may trigger widespread and heavy thundery showers over the island” too. The winds are expected to be stronger in the last week of February, so don’t get blown away when it happens!

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In addition to the predictions for wind and rain, the predicted temperature for the next half of the month is expected to be from 24°C to 33°C on a majority of the days. If you get cold easily, don’t forget to bring a jacket along with you to work or school!

However, temperatures may rise to a maximum of 34°C on days with less cloud cover.

Additionally, the report also mentioned, “On one or two days, the presence of a mass of dry air over the surrounding South China Sea may bring stable atmospheric conditions and generally fair and warm weather to Singapore.”

For reference, in the first half of February, the lowest minimum temperature recorded was 22.3°C at Pulau Ubin, while the highest daily temperature recorded was 34.2°C at Payar Lebar.

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Featured Image: Christian Heinz /