Customer Staying in Condo Wants Food Delivery Rider to Pay for Food If He Didn’t Reach by a Certain Timing

If you’ve been in Singapore long enough, you’ll know that Singaporeans tend to have… absurd requests sometimes.

But some requests are less common than others.

For example, I don’t think we see customers asking food delivery drivers to pay for the customers’ food too often (I hope.)

Just two days ago (25 March), this post appeared in the Singapore Private Hire Car Drivers & Riders Community.

Image: Facebook (Singapore Private Hire Car Drivers & Riders Community)

The post featured screenshots of a Grabfood driver’s order from Swensens at Northpoint City in Yishun, and under the “Note from customer” section, the customer wrote, “by 4.45pm of (if) my food not here. rider will pay for it.”

The customer, whose delivery location was a condominium, had also chosen to pay via cash, meaning that he would be able to withhold payment.

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, once can’t help but ask… Is it because it’s in Yishun?

Jokes aside, the rider was (understandably) angered by the order comment, given that he put it on social media.

The photos were attached with the caption “No money to buy food let us know, we will give you a treat. Don’t come up with these type of tactics to get free food. Stay condominium and behave like cheapskate”.


The Facebook post, which has garnered over 440 reactions and 1,400 shares, left most people either sympathetic towards the driver, annoyed towards the customer, or both.

One person even wrote, “You can buy a condo, but you can’t buy class.”

But apart from these expected reactions, some other netizens had their own opinions to offer as well.

Netizens’ Comments

Even though there were many who expressed their sympathy and support towards the delivery driver and his experience, others pointed out that the driver could have chosen a completely different route to solve the issue.

Image: Facebook (Singapore Private Hire Car Drivers & Riders Community)

(And get some free food in the process.)

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Other food delivery drivers also shared their own experience and tips as to how they usually deal with issues on the job.

Image: Facebook (Singapore Private Hire Car Drivers & Riders Community)

Well, I guess if there’s anything to learn from this incident, it’s that asking your delivery driver to pay for their meal if they don’t deliver it within a certain time probably isn’t the best idea.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Singapore Private Hire Car Drivers & Riders Community)