65-YO Dad Going to Do 2,250 Push-Ups So Daughter Can Get Free T-Shirt

The Chinese have a saying:


Which, when directly translated to English, means:

“Live till oldlearn till old.”

Image: wifflegif.com

A well-crafted phrase indeed, and one that we should all strive to live by.

But here’s the thing;

What exactly does the term ‘learn’ entail?

After all, life is more than just academics…

It’s also about other things that would normally be associated with the younger generation.

Like exercising, for instance.

Or to be more specific, pushing out a total of 2,250 push-ups at the age of 65.

65-YO Dad Going to Do 2,250 Push-Ups So Daughter Can Get Free T-Shirt

Lest you’re unaware, Sport Singapore (SportsSG) recently introduced the SG55 Singapore Challenge to encourage Singaporeans to celebrate the nation’s 55th birthday in a “fun and active” manner.

The challenge, in a sense, works as a routine prize tier system: participants can accumulate points by working out and thereafter exchange them for prizes.

Apparently, sports apparel of all sorts is up for grabs.

Getting fit and winning a prize at the same time? Sounds like the best of both worlds to any fitspo out there.

And by any, I meant any. 

Even a 65-year-old dad who would normally be stereotyped as sitting on the couch and watching animal documentaries.

On Saturday (15 Aug), a Facebook user dedicated a post (on the social media site) to her father, who supposedly took up the challenge at the ripe age of 65 and even redeemed a T-shirt for her.

According to Ms Lee’s post, her father has been hitting the gym as part of the Get Active! Singapore campaign, and has collected a whopping 15 cards over the last 5 days.

For the record, each card equates to the completion of 150 push-ups, 60 pull-ups or 1500m on the rowing machine.

That would mean a total of 2,250 push-ups (though he did a mixture of all three variants).

Image: Giphy

And here I am struggling to churn out ten a day. Wtf am I doing with my life?

Apparently, her father had a very heartwarming motivation to achieve that impossible-sounding feat too. According to Ms Lee, he wished to exchange the points for a T-shirt… for her.

Image; Tenor

Don’t mind me; just onions cutting ninjas.

And to further exemplify how dedicated her father is to the fitspo cause, she documented a picture of him performing a callisthenics-style push-up, which she described as “cheem”.

Image: Facebook

Well, what can I say?

This ‘senior’ puts many of his juniors to shame. Real shame.

You can view the original Facebook post here (the link has since been made unavailable):

Image: Facebook

SG55 Singapore Challenge

Fortunately, however, we can still redeem ourselves.

In more ways than one.

As it turns out, the SGG55 Singapore Challenge is still underway, and from the looks of it, there are some wicked prizes for the month of September.

Image: Mustsharenews

So what’re you waiting for? If a 65-year-old ‘unker’ can do it…

The least we can do is try, right?

For more information, you can click on the link here.