Dee Kosh Responds to Food King’s Old Sticker Being Covered By New Sticker

Dee Kosh has returned from the wilderness… to munch on chips and blink rapidly?

Here’s how he responded to the rebranding of Food King.

Why Is Dee Kosh Responding Anyway?

Before we go into his response, here’s a recap of who he is if you forgot that he existed (because I certainly did).

Dee Kosh, former DJ and YouTuber, used to be a regular member on Night Owl Cinematic’s (NOC) videos. In particular, he used to host the show Food King with fellow YouTubers Ryan and Aiken (who have both left NOC after the saga).

He got cancelled after several boys, some of whom were minors, came forward last year and accused him of sexual misconduct. He faced seven charges after admitting to some of those claims, including three charges for commercial sex with minors below 18.

Since then, he’s been lurking around on Instagram and TikTok, but has not returned to making videos on YouTube.

With the news of NOC’s revamp, which includes rebranding the old Food King logo as well, Dee Kosh just had to respond with a TikTok video.

“Oh. I Guess That’s Done.”

I would have thought that Dee Kosh would have lots to say since he was a regular member of the show till he got cancelled. But he only really had five words to say.

The TikTok, which is a stitch of another TikTok (a continuation of an existing TikTok video), begins with Food King’s video: them pasting a new Food King sticker over the old ones.

To that, Dee Kosh filmed himself looking at the screen while eating chips. He looks away, blinks rapidly, and looks back at the screen again.

Rolling his eyes and raising his eyebrows, he said, “Oh. I guess that’s done.”

Short and sweet.

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Wait, NOC Is Still Around?

After the entire saga, NOC is still up and running: but without many of the familiar faces we’ve come to associate with them.

Ryan is now managing Reno King with Isabelle, an ex-talent of NOC. At the moment, Zi Jie’s house is being renovated. Meanwhile, Aiken took to his personal Instagram account to state that he has resigned from NOC.

Sylvia has also stated that she will no longer appear on screen due to the saga, and Dee Kosh is…still cancelled.

Sure, NOC recently launched a revamped website, but their views on YouTube have not been able to regularly hit above the 100k views they soared past previously. They have also been making a lot more YouTube Shorts (videos under a minute like TikToks) than regular-length videos.

Additionally, the NOC team covering up Food King stickers with new ones seems to hint that Food King will return to YouTube. But with Ryan, Aiken, Dee Kosh and Sylvia gone, will NOC be able to keep up Food King’s trademark humour to maintain its success?

Only time will tell whether NOC will make a true comeback, or fade into obscurity as many cancelled YouTubers and influencers do.

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Featured Image: TikTok (@deekoshofficial)