K Shanmugam Called Out Entitled Resident in His GRC Who Even Threatened His MP

Our Member of Parliaments (MPs) hold regular Meet-the-People Sessions to hear us complain regularly. While most Singaporeans are very nice and treat our MPs like celebrities, there are some entitled people who think that Singapore’s policies should revolve around them.

Case in point: a Nee Soon Link resident demanding a covered walkway to be built along his preferred route, and that a new bus service be created for him.

Uh, I know you also pay taxes, but taxpayer money can’t just be used for your personal routes, OK?

Shanmugam Flames Resident on Facebook 

Without exposing the resident’s true identity, of course.

On 3 November, Minister K. Shanmugam shared that a resident, ‘Paul’, threatened MP Derrick Goh Soon Hee at a Meet-the-People Session on 10 October.

Paul was recently allocated a BTO at Melody Spring, and went to the session to make some very angry and unreasonable demands.

Demands A New Covered Walkway Cause Original Walkway Takes 5 Minutes More

His first demand was that a covered walkway of about 1km should be built from his new BTO to N4 mall, using a specific route along XCL Academy.

Paul apparently says that it is too inconvenient to walk through the existing covered walkway because it will take him an additional 5 minutes to reach the mall.

Shanmugam then flames Paul by labelling his request as unreasonable.

“Covered walkways are often built by Town Councils, using residents’ monies… To build another walkway is not proper use of residents’ monies,” stated Shanmugam, saying that if they granted such requests, the amount residents pay will have to increase.

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Insist On New Bus Service

Paul also insisted that a new bus service to Khatib MRT and Chong Pang should be created by December 2022.

This is despite a new bus service, 801, recently being added to service that area.

When volunteers tried to tell him how to use the MyTransport.SG app to reduce his waiting time, he refused to listen.

Instead, he threatened to shame and harass MP Derrick Goh on social media if his demands weren’t met by year-end. Yes, he even had a deadline for the poor MP, who is simply trying his best.

Well, I guess all of the residents and volunteers at that session just experienced a keyboard warrior in action IRL. 

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Featured Image: Facebook (Derrick Goh Soon Hee)