Everything about Changi Airport T4, Now That It’s Completed

Changi Airport’s expansion plans are on track with the completion of the construction of Terminal 4. Work will now move inside to get the systems and other fittings

Work will now move inside to get the systems and other fittings done so that the facility can open in the second half of next year.

In addition to the two-storey passenger terminal building, the development of T4 includes two multi-storey carparks providing 1,700 parking spaces and a two-storey taxi holding area. There are also three vehicular and pedestrian bridges spanning Airport Boulevard to create new access to T4.

A 68m-high control tower (oh, yeah, a second control tower!) has also been built to enhance air traffic controllers’ management of aircraft movements in the apron and taxiways around the terminal. Completed in three years, the T4 project involved more than 4,000 workers at the peak of its construction. 

For the first time at Changi Airport, T4 will see a terminal-wide implementation of self-service initiatives. The preparatory work in the lead-up to the terminal’s opening will involve the installation and testing of key airport systems and processes – including the self-service and automated options covering check-in, bag-drop, immigration clearance and boarding.

The International Air Transport Association, which represents airlines, has said automation is a key part of the industry’s future. Since T4 will not be linked to the other three terminals via the Skytrain, buses will ferry passengers and visitors.

Who else is as excited about T4 as us?

Featured Image: straitstimes.com

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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