Everything You Need To Know About The Fire in McDonald’s At Bedok North


First, there was some mysterious burning smell in Sengkang on Monday. Then there was a pipe burst in Bukit Batok on Tuesday.

Could things get worse?

Well, it does. A fire broke out in a McDonald’s outlet.


What exactly happened?

Earlier this Wednesday (27 Sep 2017), a fire broke out at a McDonald’s outlet in Bedok North.

(OMG, All the happy meals?!?!?!)

Image: Reddit.com

According to The Straits Times, they were informed at about 6:25 pm.

Facebook user Nathaphong Bunyarit managed to capture what happened.

Meanwhile at bedok north st 3……

Posted by Nathaphong Bunyarit on Wednesday, 27 September 2017

From his video caption, it seems to be the McDonald’s from street 3.

Image: Google Maps

SCDF dispatched two fire engines, an ambulance and a Red Rhino (a super “power” vehicle that has oxygen cylinder and blood pressure set; basically this big boy gets sent out during fire/medical emergencies).

Thank you SCDF for saving the day as they doused the fire using a dry powder extinguisher.


How did it happen?

It is believed that the fire came from the toilet. However, investigations are still ongoing and there are no details as of now.

SCDF also said there were no injuries reported.

But it’s just weird: how could a fire be started from the toilet? I mean, a fire from the kitchen is understandable, but from the toilet? Was the McSpicy that hot?

How it ended?

For those planning to head over to that McDonald’s later in the evening, all is good. They resumed business at 1:05 am on Thursday.

Once again SCDF has proved itself to be quick and efficient. Kudos to these unsung heroes!


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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured Image: Facebook (Nathaphong Bunyarit)
