Everything You Need to Know About The New Uber/Grab Regulations Effective July 2017

Last Updated on 2017-05-12 , 5:22 pm

We’re pretty used to taking Uber or Grab nowadays; unlike the past where there are still many who hesitate to use the services because it’s so foreign to them.

Download the app, select pick-up and destination points, apply promo codes (if any), and press book. 

However, did you know that Uber and Grab have new regulations placed on them that are taking effect July this year?

Whether you’re a driver or a rider, here’s what you need to know.

A More Stringent Screening Process for Uber/Grab Drivers

Image: fivestarsandamoon.com

From July 2017, Grab and Uber drivers have to undergo a medical checkup and have their background screened before they can become one. 

In addition, drivers have to obtain a Private Hire Car Driver’s Vocational Licence (PDVL) before they can provide services to commuters. 

Private Hire Car Driver’s Vocational Licence (PDVL)

To be eligible for the PDVL, the drivers must have their Class 3/3A license for at least two years.

The course makes drivers “undergo relevant training and pass requisite tests on road and passenger safety, and the regulations for chauffeured services, amongst others”. Each course last for about 10 hours.

In addition, the PDVL only lasts for 6 years, and drivers are required to go for a 3-hour refresher course.

Of course, if you have no demerit points under the Vocational Licence Points System (VLPS), you’re exempted from the course. 

Vehicles Used For Private Hire Car Services Needs to Be Registered With LTA

Image: firstlane.com.sg

The next time you step into an Uber car, look out for the tamper-evident decal that shows the vehicle is registered with LTA and can provide such services for you. 

This will also, hopefully, prevent such vehicles from illegal activities like street pick-ups. 

No, not picking up girls, picking up passengers from the side of the road.

Operators Can Be Suspended Or Fined Up to $10,000 Per Offence

Image: channelnewsasia.com

Should any operator’s drivers commit three or more major offences within a 12-month period, LTA has the authority to suspend the operator’s licence. In addition, LTA can also fine the operator up to $10,000 per offence.

And should drivers insist on driving for the operator despite the suspension, the drivers themselves can be fined up to $2,000, imprisonment up to six months, or both. Their licence might also be suspended or taken away.

Baby Seats Must Be Available for Private Vehicles Ferrying Babies or Children Below 1.35m Tall

Image: thoughtssg.com

Okay, this isn’t exactly new but I thought it deserves a mention because most of us are unaware of this.

The next time a driver refuses to let you into the car because of your kid, don’t think it’s him being nasty or afraid of making a mess in his vehicle. He just doesn’t want to break the law. 

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured Image: todayonline.com