First Half of Dec is Going to be Rainy, Rainy and Rainy

I honestly think I am the unofficial weatherman for Goody Feed, reporting you back with fortnightly updates on Singapore’s weather.

Not that I am complaining, I always wanted to be a weatherman when I was a kid.


But that dream (among many others) was squashed since Singapore doesn’t experience any seasonal change.

I mean, it irks me when people post pictures of themselves in Sentosa during the June holidays with the caption: Summer holidays are here.

It is summer all-year round!? What are you on about?


There are only 4 types of weather in Singapore—sunny, hazy, rain and more rain.

If you have not left your house in the last month or so because you’re a hermit, then you would not have known that it has been a very wet month (assuming that your room has no windows).

Well, it is only going to get worse.

NEA released an advisory on 30 Nov—wet weather conditions are expected to continue over Singapore for the first two weeks of December.

Yay, great!

I am being sarcastic if you were wondering.


Be prepared for moderate to heavy thunderstorms in the afternoon and evening on five or six days.


Mornings are going to be rough as there might be thundery showers with occasional wind betwixt predawn hours and morning on one or two days.

Cooler temperatures

While we might not experience any winter of sorts, you can expect temperatures to dip slightly.

In the second week of December, a monsoon surge might develop, affecting the South China Sea and the surrounding area bringing us a few chilly days.

On rainy days, you can expect the temperature to drop to around 29 degrees Celsius to 22 degrees Celsius.

Finally, you can wear your pullover which has been collecting dust in your wardrobe.

But on days when there isn’t a torrential downpour, be prepared to be roasted as the temperature fluctuates betwixt 31 degrees Celsius to 32 degrees Celsius.

Hey, just be glad we don’t have Daylight Saving Time.

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