24YO Newly-Wed Food Delivery Rider Who Died in Gambas Ave Was Trying to Earn an Incentive

By now, you’ve probably heard of the tragic incident at Gambas Avenue involving a food deliveryman, who also happened to be a father-to-be.

But here’s something you might not know: His wife had actually told him not to work that day, but he still did so in order to earn more money for his expanding family.

Woke up Late But Still Worked for Incentive

On Sunday (10 April), the day of the accident, Mr Jason Tan, had woken up at 9am instead of his usual 7am.

His brother, Mr Jeremy Tan, explained to The Straits Times that his brother would usually take an off day from work if his wife did not have to work during weekends.

Since he had woken up late to begin with, Mr Jason Tan’s wife told him that he should just take the day off instead of starting work late.

Despite his wife’s words, Mr Jason Tan, 24, decided to work on that day as he would be eligible for an incentive after completing 13 more orders.

“But because of the incentive, he decided to go. He has a kid coming soon and (he thought) if he had extra (money) it would be good. Nobody wants to have a kid and not be able to provide for them,” Mr Jeremy Tan, a property agent, added.

He also added that his brother and his wife, also 24, had initially decided that they would play mahjong at home with the family after stopping by at a pasar malam in Ang Mo Kio on Sunday.

However, little did anyone know that the couple’s plans would not come to fruition.

Details Regarding the Accident

According to The Straits Times, the police confirmed the fact that they were informed about the accident at Gambas Avenue at around 1pm on Sunday (10 April).

The accident involved a van and two motorcycles. Mr Tan was one of the motorcyclists and was pronounced dead at the accident scene by a paramedic from the Singapore Civil Defence Force.

A 20-year-old-man, who was also on a motorcycle, was sent to hospital for medical treatment.

As for the van driver, who is a 36-year-old man, he was arrested at the scene for careless driving causing death.

Police investigations are currently being carried out.

Impact on Mr Tan’s Family

Mr Jeremy Tan, 33, mentioned to The Straits Times yesterday (11 April) that both his parents and his brother’s wife have been struggling to cope with his brother’s unexpected passing.

He recounted how his brother always managed to make the family laugh with his silly antics, such as his odd poses whenever he stepped into a room.

A tightly-knit family, Mr Jeremy Tan also recalled how the entire family would make it a point to play mahjong together on the weekends as it was their favourite activity to do together.

Their parents, who are currently in their 60s, have been grief-stricken by the recent incident.

As the youngest and favourite child, Mr Jason Tan’s passing has understandably left both his parents in much distress.

Mr Jeremy Tan also revealed that they had an upcoming cruise trip that they were supposed to take with Mr Jason Tan and his wife in June.

The trip was supposed to be a honeymoon trip for the newly-wed couple.

Young Couple Knew Each Other Since Primary School

Mr Jason Tan and his wife lived together with his parents and two siblings in Woodlands.

Classmates since primary school when both of them attended Fuchun Primary School, the couple started dating around six years ago.

The young couple held their wedding at HomeTeamNS Bukit Batok on 5 March this year, with around 100 attendees.

According to Mr Jeremy Tan, Mr Jason Tan’s widow, who works in administration and is around three months pregnant, has also been left devastated by her husband’s passing.

foodpanda’s Statement

As a full-time foodpanda deliveryman for the past few years, Mr Jason Tan was looking forward to having his own place with his wife in the near future.

The couple had been saving up and was planning to buy a place of their own in the next two to three years.

With regards to the tragic incident, a foodpanda spokesperson mentioned, “We are extremely saddened by the passing of our rider, and wish to send our deepest condolences to his family.

“We are also doing everything we can to support his family, while assisting the police with any information they might need for the investigations.”

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Family’s Appeal for Witnesses

Additionally, Mr Jeremy Tan also took to Facebook to appeal for witnesses so that the family can obtain video footage of what exactly happened.

“If anybody has friends who were there have any footage of what happened please let me know,” he wrote.

He also said that he did so in order for the family to have some sense of closure with regard to his brother’s passing.

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Featured Image: YouTube (Vins & Annette Singh) + Facebook (Jeremy Tan)