Former M’sia PM Mahathir Ready to be Discharged from Heart Institute

Dr Mahathir made waves when he successfully ran for the position of Prime Minister at the age of 92.

In other words, it’s no surprise to know that this man has many fans in Malaysia, and possibly around the world.

And most recently, the former PM probably gave his fans a scare when news of his hospitalisation broke.

Well, if you’re one of these fans, you’ll be glad to know that he is ready to leave the institute.

Former M’sia PM Mahathir Ready to be Discharged from Heart Institute

On 21 Dec 2021, Dr Mahathir’s social media pages released an update about the former prime minister.

Apparently, Dr Mahathir is now ready to be discharged after he has “has completed all the necessary investigations for his medical check-up”.

The team of doctors who were in charge of treating Dr Mahathir were “satisfied” with the results of the investigations done during his stay, the statement added.

“Tun Dr Mahathir and Tun Siti Hasmah express their thanks to everyone who has been praying for Tun Dr Mahathir.”

M Ravi must be heaving a sigh of relief right now.

Former M’sia PM Mahathir Admitted To Hospital For “Full Medical Check-Up”

On the evening of 16 Dec 2021, the former PM’s social media pages released a statement, informing the public that the 96-year-old was admitted to the hospital.

It stated that he was admitted to Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) at 7pm and will be staying there for a few days.

Located next to the Kuala Lumpur hospital, IJN is a heart surgery centre and he will be undergoing a full medical check-up and further observation.

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Suffered Three Heart Attacks in the Past

Days later, another statement was released where it proclaimed that Dr Mahathir will be “undergoing several investigations” at the centre.

Due to Malaysia’s protocols, the former prime minister was not allowed visitors.

Details of Dr Mahathir’s admission are unclear, but he has suffered heart troubles in the past.

He’s suffered three heart attacks, in fact; one in 1989, and two in 2006. He has undergone two bypass surgeries, the first at Kuala Lumpur Hospital in 1989 and the second at IJN in 2007.

He has also been hospitalised several times for chest infection, the most recent of which came in 2018 when he was admitted to the IJN.

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Feature Image: Abdul Razak Latif /